Poloz means Canada has good reason to raise interest rates – Finance News – Xincheng Finance Channel


Poloz means Canada has good reason to raise interest rates

12/7/2018 2:42
The Bank of Canada has raised interest rates in Canada 39, a quarter and the benchmark interest rate reached 1.5%. Central Bank Governor Poloz said comprehensive data shows that the Canadian economy appears to be on the right track and that interest rates are on the rise, but that the rate and ceiling Interest rates have not yet been raised. On the issue of trade policy, Poloz said that the main problem at the moment is trade tension, and that the impact of trade on interest rates depends on the development of the business. 39; future. He pointed out that uncertainties on trade issues could last more than four months and that the Bank of Canada would not be indifferent to the long-term damage caused by protectionism.

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