Post-mortem refers to the insertion of the anus into the intestines of male patients with intestinal injury is not new – News – IC World Trade starts here –


Post-mortem refers to the insertion of male anorectal patients with intestinal wounds is not new

4/7/2018 15:25
A patient of the year. Tuen Mun hospital suspected that a hard object was inserted into the anus, causing rectal injury. After the death, the family of the deceased received a police notice recently, after the forensic autopsy, the wound in the rectum of the deceased was an old wound, not a new one.
The son of the deceased stated that he would contact the police. The autopsy report also indicated that if the father had an old injury and was questioning about his "defecation", he had already inserted the old injury of his father.
Another son of the deceased replied that his father had to take a bath at the hospital once a week. When the father tells him to be "vanquished", the intestines bleed, questioning the coincidence of events.

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