[Prochain divorce] Thanks to "Angel" Wang Xi Chen Zhiyun: We have a destiny (16:58) – 20180724 – Entertainment – Instant News


A series of four "Zhiyun Zhizhiyun Landing Stage Deduction" was successfully concluded last night.The protagonist Chen Zhiyun pulled the team to celebrate and accept the visit. For self-destruction on stage, because of Xie Anqi (Kay), Fang Zhihua had a problem: "Mr. Fang Zhongzhong was in charge of wireless, Kay debuted, I admired her , she told him to do the show "Taste of the World" When Zhang Jicong played, Miss Fang asked, "Do you want to use a girl, two in-laws?", She just said, and do not m & # 39, has not stopped, no tears, I have no mouth, she is an elder, will listen People have talked about it. "It is even more unforgettable that Miss Fang is looking for perfection, catches it for the sister of Hong Kong Sao in the Red Pavilion and takes her to various places to inspect.

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Zhiyun refers to 4 representations.Just have to go back on the trial for 84 months.There are many people who support him.I have shed a lot of the I felt emotionally well, he laughed and said, "This time, I'm married to Wang Xi, I'll be divorced next time, but I want to talk to him, he's already seen me too much. My angel, there is a lot of Wang Xi in everyone's life, we have a destiny My mother pbaded away as Wang Xi's birthday Wang Xi's father and I have the same name My father is also my birthday . "

Mention on stage Wang Xi Wang Xi said," I did not write it, I do not know where I'll go until the end. "Chen Zhiyun thinks that it's a good thing. there is no need for funerals and funerals in the future, because there are no children, no children.When you do not have funerals and funerals in the future, because there are no children, no children. go away, you only have a newsletter, everyone has a limited death period, you have to face it positively, cherish what you want to do now, live your life and do not expect to do what you do not want

(Instant Entertainment)

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