Promoting the merits of the Korean wave Congress members propose "to exempt the youth regiment from the bulletproof" – Free Entertainment


2018/07/26 18:50

[Reporter Chen Lizhen / Rapport complet] The South Korean Armored Youth League of Scorpions gained worldwide popularity and released in May its new album "Love Yourself to" Tear " . The American Billboard 200 champion, a record of Asian singers, He Taiqing, a South Korean congressman, also proposed to the National Defense Conference to exempt the youth regiment from the bulletproof .

He Taiqing believes that participation in violin, piano, ballet and other international competitions may be exempted from military service, but in popular music or B-Boy, e-sports and other international competitions, but did not not exempt from military service, questioning the unfair standard. In response, the South Korean military service responded to discussions with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

In addition, the Bulletproof Youth League will release the revised album "Love Yourself" Answer "on the 24th of next month: the first week of the Korean Open pre-order, sales volume exceeds 1, 51 million, and beats again. The last revised Bulletproof Youth League album, pre-ordered for 1 week of sale, has pbaded 1.51 million. (Twitter Reflection)

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