Public News – Means: lies, hatred, terrorism


Author: Beginning and end of June 7 riots in Hong Kong – Interpretation of Wu Yuzhou Release date: 08.07.18
| Last updated: 2018-07-08 06:09:08

"Beginning and end of the 67 riots in Hong Kong – Interpretation of Wu Yuzhou" Brief introduction

Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Honorary Chairman Chen Hao said in the column "am730" for the left side to launch 67 defense of violent action: Protect the country, protect the nation, fight the impulses of the enemy and benefit the people, it is understandable and acceptable, but when the impulse is directed against his own nation, its own country, or its wounded people, there is no room for tolerance. After Chen Hao mentioned, I can not see the meaning behind the words "riots" today, compared to "the years". She said: "At that time, social corruption and the oppression of the colonial powers were full of discrimination and oppression, the starting point of the predecessors was the interests of the poor." Let's see if the measures taken by the left in the 67 riots reflect that "the starting point of the predecessors is the interest of the poor".

The book "Beginning and end of 67 riots in Hong Kong – Interpretation of Wu Yuzhou" (hereinafter referred to as "beginning and end") cites a large amount of information indicating that the means used by the left to launch 67 riots is "lie + hate + terrorism". Apart from the staff, the rest are starred citizens. During the riots of eight months, this riot was not considered "protecting the country and protecting the nation". On the contrary, people saw the fact that the national interests were damaged and the people of Hong Kong injured.

First, the lie article

The author sums up the lie of the left party as follows:

1. Lie to the public and deceive the central

From the manuscript of Wu Yuzhou, we see that the most serious problem is deception. In 1996, the Federation of Trade Unions reported in Beijing that "Hong Kong compatriots hope to release as quickly as possible." Wu Yuzhou was forced to explain that "the sooner Hong Kong will be released, the better it will be" (see Chapter 2). The author has already revealed this in the previous article, and this is not inconvenient here.

2. Lie to report death and injury, forced central action

May 22, 1967 Garden Road conflict, clearly, no one died, the left sent a liar to the center more than 200 people were killed and wounded, and described as "Holocaust". After Zhou Enlai discovered that there were no deaths, he immediately slandered the left side and seriously lost confidence. Zhou Enlai also criticized the Xinhua News Agency and the People's Daily for their intention to exaggerate the report on Hong Kong. At that time, the Xinhua News Agency reported that British and British policemen had killed and wounded two or three hundred parade workers, which the daily The People's Daily called "bloodshed" . Zhou Enlai asked Xinhua News Agency to check the case and found that only one person had been killed and several people had been injured (the author said: There is no no death at all). In this regard, Zhou Enlai harshly criticized: "It is a serious loss of confidence that has aroused the indignation of people and made China politically pbadive. In sending such a great report, why did not you ask me in advance? What is the purpose of your bigger and bigger? ("Crisis of bitter support – Zhou Enlai in 1967"

Source of the photo: 100th Anniversary Collection of "Ta Kung Pao"

3. Lie to signal his own strength, paralyzed central

leftist in the Wrestling program design, Seriously distorted its own strengths, in order to induce Beijing to accept its plan, the most typical example is a strike that can last three rounds, the first round is 80,000 to 100 000, the second round is 300,000 to 400,000. The third round was a general strike that paralyzed the whole of Hong Kong. (For more details, please refer to the notes on the notes of the "67 notes The result is a disastrous defeat (see June 26 article for details of the disastrous situation) .On the contrary, Zhou Enlai was more sober than the Hong Kong Communist Party, he was very skeptical about his ability to reach such a scale, but he regrets and not having had time to change the plan, following Wu's resignation to the central committee. For more details on how to publish it, see the June 26 article's interpretation.

The author thinks the previous three are the most important and complete lies of the rioting process. Zhou Enlai is suspicious of these lies, from the ten points he made later (after Wu Yizhou solved the document titled "Prime Minister's Instructions on Fighting the Persecution", see the notes of "67 Notes" in May. Seeing the contents of Article 27, we can see that his instructions are directed against the left lie and are trying to restrain it. However, in the context of the Revolution cultural, the form was forbidden, even if he was aware of it but could not stop.

Secondly, hate mercenaries

continue to incite hatred during the riots. the influence of the Cultural Revolution when provoking extreme xenophobia, this approach worked very well: not only did it mobilize the continent's "fanatics" to support leftist Ho Hong Kong, but it has also allowed many Hong Kong people to come forward as "national justice". Without hesitation, he did not hesitate to join the ranks of "anti-British riots".

In addition to inciting to "national hatred", the contradiction between people is constantly created in the process of riots: the so-called "yellow-skinned dog" is the most obvious example typical.

There is another thing that has been stopped by Beijing, that is to say "lift the parade". In Wu Yizhou's "67 Notes," it takes at least four days to discuss the "problem problems" of the "Martyrs" (12, 19 and 28 June, 8 August). The so-called "uprising parade" means that the left will die of several "martyrs" and organize a collective ceremonial ritual to create extreme hatred by carrying a coffin. This initiative was taken from the "12.3" incident in Macau, while Macao did, which caused a great anti-Australian sentiment and eventually forced the Australian and Portuguese authorities to surrender. However, Beijing does not intend to adopt the Macau model at the time (Zhou Enlai made it clear that he could not adopt the Macao model, see "Note 67" May 27). The discussion is not favorable because of the danger of doing it.

Third, Terrorism

From July 8, 1967 until the end of December, Hong Kong entered a "terrorist world" where everyone is in danger (using the Ming Pao, editorial of 13 July): "The word" everything in the world of terror "is self-destructive.) The collective historical memory of the people of Hong Kong is the wave of bombs throughout Hong Kong, the two sisters of Tsinghua Street were killed by left bombs and the third is the live broadcast of the commercial radio announcer Lin Bin. All three are familiar and well known here.

In addition to the above three, the author in the book "Hong Kong 67 riots – the interpretation of Wu Yuzhou", also found more violent intentions of the left at the time, is now listed by date:

May 27: (Zhou Enlai said) "The guns at the edge of the road", that is impossible ible (refer to the convenience of the parry team can arm), ("67 notes") [30mai1965] The Working Committee recommended the recourse to badbadination and was immediately reprimanded by Zhou Enlai (Ma Jisen: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cultural Revolution")

June 10: Frontline Command (located at Xinhua News Agency). At the meeting, the person said that she had built a small bomb at the North Point tram terminal, provided the tramway opens, it would explode (see Kim Min-ru, "The 50th anniversary of Xiangjiang Remembrance (19659007) Wu Yuzhou arrested two smuggled weapons: one was to smuggle 700 dozen (8,400) cane knives to the left mbades in Hong Kong, the other to privately mobilize them. 39, arsenal of firearms to arm institutions funded by China (67 Notes).

2 June 8: proposed "to consider the fighting" ("67 notes")

28 June: (to carry out strikes), if necessary, take coercive means to disrupt the # 39; antenna such as tram truncated Notes ")

June 28: In order to adhere to the strike, … arm yourself, borders, destroy the enemy industrial equipment (" 67 notes ")

June 30: [19659027] The new struggle plan formulated by the working committee is summarized in four sentences: 1. Hong Kong 瘫痪; 2, Kowloon chaos; 3, Chen Bing border; 4, breaking the border. (Yu Changqian: Zhou Enlai remote "anti-British riotist" initiated, "Nineties" May 1996)

July 7: Hong Kong formulated the first batch of traitors to four people, they will be the implementation of "ethnic discipline" (that is, to murder), the four are: Xu Jiaxiang Interim Administrative Department, unofficial member of the Legislative Council Li Fushu, New Territories Heng Yee Kuk President Peng Fuhua, Publisher "Ming Pao" Cha Liangwei (see "Hong Kong Night" The newspaper reported July 7, 1967]

July 8: The Wave bombs sweeping Hong Kong began today

It is clear from the foregoing that the bomb began as early as July 8th. Previously, the left was deploying various terrorist means to undermine Hong Kong's social stability and harm innocent citizens.

Leftists launched 67 riots: to achieve the goal of taking power, the means used were "lie + hate + terrorism", which is doomed to failure.

(The book will take place on July 11 at 11:00 am in the conference room of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce on the 11th floor of the Center of the General Assembly of the Admiralty, at 22nd floor of the Center of Admiralty Readers to participate, please pay attention to the special page Oxford Publishing House "Book encounter"

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