Rain sees cute baby father love 9/8 stage fans – free entertainment


2018/07/24 15:47

[Reporter Chen Lizhen / Rapport Taipei] The little Asian king Rain appeared in Hong Kong yesterday, held a press conference for the last meeting of the Asian tour, and saw small fans take the # 39th Grandfather's Father Love Initiative!

Recently, Rain, who just finished the series, not only took the initiative to resign and signed a handshake with nearly 500 fans, but he also arranged a charming child to give gifts . Hold the love of a strong father, holding a picture of little boy.

After many years of debut, I was asked how to allocate time to the family and work now.Rain said that the family has always been first in the family.Although the purpose changes, I've been watching the target and the eyes a lot more, but now the lens is more convenient, I hope to be able to live happily and serenely everyday and I also hope to have the ## EQU1 ## 39, opportunity to launch the Mandarin album in the future.

For the upcoming Asian tour, Rain began to do some exercise and revealed that this tour is different from the past, hoping to get closer to everyone and interact with the game. Taipei will also be held at the Taipei International Convention Center on September 8th. Tickets will be sold between RMB1,800 and RMB5,800, and tickets will be sold by noon on the 28th. The Facebook fan group "wowstar entertainment" from the organizer of the ticket sales system. Rain will be on stage on September 8th. (wowstar entertainment provided)

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