Raising the law to patrol the sword and resolutely win the blue sky to defend the battle – Xinhua Net


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 9 Title: Law lifting to inspect the sword and win the blue sky to defend the war

Xinhua News Agency Chen Reporter Chen Fei, Yang Weihan, Gao Jing, Luo Sha

Ecological prosperity is civilized. A beautiful China with a blue sky, a clean land and clear water is the common expectation of the locals. Since the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, the Central Committee of the Party, whose comrade Xi Jinping is the nucleus, has attached great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and resolutely declared war on pollution.

On the 9th, the House of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the Great People's Palace. The Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress has specially opened a meeting to review the inspection report of the law on the prevention and control of air pollution. This highly respected report reflects the current state of implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in various localities and offers relevant suggestions.

Just two months ago, the inspection team of the law on the prevention and control of air pollution made the inspection of the maintenance of order an absolute priority. In-depth "legal inspections", using legal weapons to control pollution, using the power of the rule of law to defend the blue sky.

Mingchao unannounced visits to discover "obstruction" of law enforcement

The extraction of the mountain is 3.5 kilometers long, there is no no ecological restoration and dust pollution is about to be. Problems found in random inspections in Xiabao village, Anyang. Such violations of the Law on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution shocked the members of the inspection team. From May to June this year, the inspection of the repressive services of the National People's Congress was divided into four groups and 26 cities and municipalities from 8 provinces and autonomous regions were examined to implement the law on prevention and control. control of air pollution. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress conducted a self-examination.

The inspection revealed that all localities and departments have implemented the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and that the prevention and control of air pollution has progressed significantly. However, there are still significant problems in some places that violate the law.

Henan, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu … The inspection team went deep into these places with serious pollution and the source of the storm Beijing-Tianjin, 29 times. At the symposium, we will examine 107 on-site units and projects to identify outstanding issues in key areas, key sectors and key industries.

– The problem of structural pollution is more important. Hebei 邯郸 "there is steel in the city", Shijiazhuang "the seat of coal and electricity" …

– Some regulations and accompanying standards are at the dragged. The State Council regulations on the management of pollutant releases have not yet been published and the environmental protection recall system for motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery n & # 39; 39, was not put in …

The sanitation permit system was not implemented and the case of environmental quality monitoring data in Linyi, Shanxi, was falsified.

– The implementation of air pollution control measures in key areas is not sufficient. Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, found that there is waste pollution "dispersal" merger enterprises, Tianjin, Langfang and other five cities diesel inspection success rate is only 47% …

Mingchao unannounced visits, really touching hard –

The office made an impromptu visit to the clues: the inspection team did not say hello and went straight to Locations: A total of 38 industrial enterprises, construction sites and mines in 12 cities were randomly selected.

In Shandong, an alumina company "plays tricks" on monitoring data

In Shaanxi, a petrochemical company escapes surveillance and rejects untreated air pollutants

. Construction waste from the demolition site is piled up at random, and the problem of dust is important.

Gao Hucheng, member of the inspection team, said that according to the requirements of the inspection team, "the random inspection team has found problems on the spot and that some of them were handed over to the local authorities. Other investigations and treatments, and some of them were included in the scope of inspection of the central inspector of environmental protection "Looking Back".

Ai Li Lijian urged the implementation of government accountability

In Linzhou City, Henan Province, a local executive acknowledged to the inspection team that the first thing to do is open the window. Do not see clearly: "Once the fog, you will not see the mountain and your heart will be immediately nervous."

In recent years, the central government has taken a series of measures to reduce the liability of public enterprises in the fight against pollution. First person responsible for the protection of the ecological environment in the administrative region, the responsibility for the quality of the ecological environment can only be better and can not be deteriorated. The Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution also strengthens the legal responsibilities of governments and companies.

"The overall environmental quality of all localities has improved and the trend is stable and good, but many urban air quality issues are at stake. One of the reasons Important is that the legal responsibilities have not been put in. Cheng Lifeng, member of the Standing Committee, pointed out.

How to use the sword "legal inspection" to urge public companies to better put implemented various pollution control responsibilities?

At the meeting held before the law enforcement inspection team went to the locality, each member of the I & # 39; 39, the inspection team received a "reference question":

What is the financial investment for the prevention and control of air pollution? Is there any method to do it? environmental badessment – is there an emergency plan for conditio High pollution and what progress has been made in the fight against environmental crime? Does the company have automatic monitoring equipment? …

The 16-page text lists the corresponding questions in the form of a checklist for the law on the prevention and control of air pollution, so that the purpose of the legal oversight is clear.

The vitality of the law lies in its implementation, the key being to seize it by relying on rigorous management.

Hohhot, Daqingshan wind and sand source control project site. In Daqingshan, where pines and cypress trees were lush in recent years, many sand excavation and stone extraction activities have taken place, exposing the surface, become the main source of dust and of sand of the city.

Local executives presented the government's measures to strengthen ecological governance to the inspection team, while showing the contrast image before and after governance. The inspection team led the team leaders to constantly ask: How to dig in private? Is it still accepted when I resume management? Who will accept it? Is there a calendar for governance? …

Whenever a place and a company, members of the inspection team ask the government and business leaders for problems.

"Many places have recognized the existence of" hot, medium and cold "in the control of air pollution, the pressure of pollution control and the progressive decline of responsibilities and the problem of political heat Inadequate, the company turned a deaf ear to its own responsibility for pollution control, "said Cheng Lifeng.

Legal liability is not implemented, indicating that the meaning of the law is weak.

During the inspection, the inspection team conducted a questionnaire survey on relevant departments and enterprises of provincial and municipal governments in the study and implementation of the law on the prevention and control of air pollution in certain provinces and autonomous regions.

"After the opening of the symposium, the inspection team said, please, stay and do not leave, the questionnaire will be sent, the 10 questions will be answered within 5 minutes, everyone does not have time to check in. Zhang Shuli, Department of Environmental Protection of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, recalled the scene at the time.

"From the results of the questionnaire, some local departments and company heads are not yet numerous enough to study the law, and they do not know the important rules of the legal system." The basic functions of the administration is not strong.The law, the study of the law and the rule of law can make good use of the law.The party and government cadres must strengthen the study of the law and improve the ability to use legal weapons to control pollution. "[19659004] Beautiful Homeland of Shuiqing

The ecological environment is a major political issue related to the party's mission and a major social issue regarding the livelihoods of the people.

Secretary-General Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Conference on Environmental Protection that it is necessary to improve the quality of the air as a rigid requirement, strengthen the prevention and control, eliminate clouds and clouds.

What is the quality of the environment? People's feelings are the most direct and strong. To what extent is pollution control effective, it is up to the people to have the last word and it is good that people say good.

"The planting of corn in the Tuyou banner where I am located is relatively concentrated.Before the straw was hot.At every autumn, the smoke was rolling.The government thought a lot of things and the effect n & # 39, was not good.After the implementation of the revised law The representative of Baotou Municipal People & # 39; s Congress and farmer Lu Zhiqiang from Weijun village, Tumengmen town, Tumoteyouqi, had a discussion in-depth with the members of the inspection team Feeling

"It is recommended that the government promote the straw collection machine to the majority of farmers to make the air in the pastoral rural areas cooler and the weather more translucent. "Lu Zhiqiang talked about many farmers.

Listening to the public and focus on the wisdom of the people. During the inspection of law enforcement, the equipment e inspection has pioneered inspection methods, and held the first five-level deputies' congress and mbad representatives. Everyone spoke freely, reflecting the current situation at the local level and offering opinions and suggestions on the implementation of the law on the prevention and control of air pollution. Deputies from popular congresses at all levels spoke the truth, reflected the expectations of the mbades and raised their own ideas, thus demonstrating the superiority of the popular congress system. Member of the inspection team and member of the Environmental Protection Committee of the National People's Congress Wang Jinnan. These representatives expressed their understanding of the views and concerns of representatives of the People 's Congress at different levels on the law of prevention and control of air pollution. "Thanks to the five-level NPC deputies, a pollution prevention and control network can be established."

Bringing the full benefit of the fundamental political system and preventing and healing " heart and lung pain ".

Lifting the law to patrol the sword and form a powerful synergy to defend the blue sky.

The law enforcement team of the National People's Congress respects its legal obligations, confines itself to legality and respects legal procedures, urges all localities and departments to promote the domination of the people, to use legal weapons to control pollution and to defend the blue sky.

environmental protection inspectors, ministries to strengthen surveillance, judicial authorities to punish pollution, citizens and social groups to participate widely … all parties contribute to the fight against air pollution, which is an important manifestation.

"The treatment of atmospheric pollution requires the participation of all sectors of society.The general public is both responsible for pollution and beneficiary of the excellent environment.The protection of the environment "It's not just a matter of protecting the environment; businesses and citizens act together." Cui Zhijie, chairman of Hohhot Environmental Protection Association, said.

The problem of the environment has been well resolved, and it has become the key so that the affluent society can be fully recognized by the people. I believe that the law enforcement inspection of the National People's Congress will help local authorities to promote the fight against pollution and to build a beautiful house in the sky, l & # 39; green and clear water.

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