Rare path Zhongtai Yunque "stops the size" against Japan in the counterclockwise direction | Typhoon | Honshu


New York time:

2018-07-28 12:50 AM

Under the influence of two low pressures, the moderate typhoon will turn counterclockwise in the trajectory of the movement.It will be rare at night (28th) to land at West Japan and Honshu. (Video Screen Capture)

[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, 28 juillet 2018] The moderate typhoon lark under the influence of two low pressures, the motion path is counterclockwise, and it will be rare in the evening (28th). Western Japan and Honshu landed and caused storms. Remind people who want to go to Japan, should pay attention to flight information, as well as local weather forecasts.

The lark is 2,320 kilometers northeast of Taipei in the morning at 2:00 am (Beijing time) and is expected to travel from northwest to northwest at a speed of 41 to 37 km / h. Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan

Heavy rains fell on 28 (Saturday) in the east and west of Japan, recording more than 50 millimeters of rainfall per hour and 80 millimeters in some areas. . The Japan Meteorological Agency has called on the public to be wary of landslides and floods, to monitor the latest weather news and to take refuge in time.

Typhoon Skylark is this year's typhoon number 12. Most of the tropical cyclones that hit Japan crossed Okinawa and Kagoshima, then crossed Osaka and Tokyo from the Kyushu region before moving to the region. Tohoku. However, this time, the "flying lark" is a different route: it should land in the middle of the Japanese archipelago, and it is relatively rare to go south to Osaka and Kyushu.

Wu Derong, badociate professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences of the Central Taiwan University, said in the column "Sanli Zhun Meteorology, Boss Disposal", "Lark" in the Southeast Japan. The high pressure of the Pacific, the combined force of the two flows, except in the opposite direction of the needles of a clock, and with a speed of 41 km / h, heading rapidly to the northwest towards the south-south west of Honshu, will turn to the west and gradually slow down to 30 km / h. In the following, the four countries and Kyushu will be swept, next week will turn to the southwest and west, and the intensity will be weakened and the speed will slow down after entering the China Sea Eastern.

(Publisher: Cheng Yiren)

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