Reddit Support Thanos Randomly block half of the members to run? The fans are happy! | Hong Kong 01 | anime game


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Earlier, it was reported that a subsection of "Thanos" in Reddit in the foreign discussion forum is about to emulate Thanos to block half of the members, and this The blockade will be set up in the United States today (July 9th) and many members are enthusiastic about it.The latter days, there was a lot of interesting discussions, the scene is lively and interesting.

Members said that they were ready for "ashes".

I believe that even those who have not seen the original work have heard of Thanos' "destruction of the world", and there are many fans abroad who support the ideas and practices of Thanos. Thanos did not make a mistake. This meme also set up a sub-discussion "thanosdidnothingwrong" on the famous "Reddit" discussion forum, which promoted the concept of Thanos.

The source recently launched a campaign in this forum which must inherit the concept of Thanos, in order to protect the balance of this forum, please randomly choose half of the blockade among the members . The main idea was that the idea of ​​practicing the concept of Thanos was too interesting because of the "physical practice" Many internet users who were not in this forum also joined the discussion forum for "participate in the event" and have been blocked. The number of members of the thanosdidnothingwrong section has increased from 120,000 to over 500,000.

Due to the size of the blockade, administrators must obtain Reddit's authorization to carry out a blockade at large. scale, to which Reddit has agreed and provided technical support. The date of the blockade is scheduled for July 9, United States time, when an engineer will be responsible for the random blocking of half of the users.

Faced with the possibility of getting lost in the discussion area, many members were very excited and said that the concept of Thanos could finally be realized. Indeed, if the destructive action of Thanos is in reality, there is plenty of room for speculation, but if it is replaced by the online world, it becomes a very interesting thing: in English, it's a good thing. ;is cool".

Many internet users are very happy that one section can work together to make a big event and consider this as the "best community".

The event also produced a lot of interesting events: "Josh Brolin", who plays Thanos, also wrote a message on Reddit, inviting everyone to participate in this "mbad event", even the two directors of "Avengers 3" joined the thanosdidnothingwrong section, pending the results of the random blockade. Some people also voted, and hope that Jeremy Renner, who plays the eagle eye, will not participate in the event, just as he did not appear in the Avengers 3, and teach people to smile.

If we can see the return of the Hawkeye in The Avengers 4, let us wait and see.

There have been a lot of interesting votes in Reddit in recent days, like voting for Josh Brolin to crouch to chair the blockade ceremony.

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