Referring to a patient referred to a personal clinic, the ICAC checks the three doctors before the mistake – 20181129 – News – Ming Pao News


  1. Referring to patients referred to personal clinics, ICAC, control, love 3, doctors are wrong – 20181129 – News – News
  2. The ICAC is suing 3 former doctors for misconduct in Yahoo!
  3. The ICAC sues three former doctors of the hospital authority for misconduct.
  4. ICAC sues 3 former ophthalmologists at Caritas Medical Center for conspiracy to commit an offense and steal drugs Hong Kong Apple Daily
  5. Caritas Hospital Ophthalmologist 3 involved in referring patients to their clinic, a person involved in the flight of eye drops and a Hong Kong ointment 01
  6. View full coverage on Google News
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