Relations between the two banks have deteriorated Taiwan is considering refusing entry to religious circles based on land – Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Deterioration of cross-Straits relations Taiwan is considering rejecting land-based religious circles to allow the entry and exchange of Free Asia Cantonese Radio (RFA)

Because Tsai Ing-wen refused to recognize the 1992 consensus, relations between the two shores deteriorated and China put pressure on the diplomatic plane. The Straits of the Straits Detachment will be held in Kaohsiung and Tainan later this month. There are more than 500 palace temples in China and Taiwan, including 80 on the mainland. Many religious staff members are interested in an exchange in Taiwan. However, the Taiwan Affairs Council stressed that the continent wanted to create a "united front" through relevant activities, and that the Taiwanese side would veto their application in Taiwan. The Taiwanese media reported that the religious exchange meeting had already taken place on the continent and had moved to Taiwan for the first time this year. Due to the fact that officials from mainland China traveled to Taiwan to participate in the "People's Forum", the Taiwanese side did not invite the leaders of the continent to participate in this meeting, focusing only on folk religious exchanges . However, MAC believes that Lu cooperates deliberately with Taiwanese civil society and seizes the opportunity to conduct political operations. In addition, MAC announced that the authorities would strengthen the review of officials from all levels of the continent in Taiwan, based on legitimate defense needs.

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