[RingHK TV] F1.6 Super Ultra Light XZ2 Ultra Low Light Film |


Today 's video phones are often equipped with several lens games. The latest Xperia XZ2 Premium headlamp from SONY has finally joined the ranks, moving from the previous single mirror configuration to the dual Motion Eye Dual lens, and slightly increasing the 5.7 previous 4K display from the previous generation to 5, 8 吋.

The purpose of this product XZ2 Premium is of course the camera function, which includes a set of main cameras of 19 million images that record color and 12 million lenses in black and white that collect sensitivity data. Combined with the brand's exclusive real-time AUBE fusion image processor, it can produce ISO 51200 shooting sensitivity and ISO 12800 movie recording sensitivity output.

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Even in a dimly lit scene environment, just click on the two-lens image button in the interface of the XZ2 Premium Camera to activate the high-sensitivity feature. The viewfinder's screen immediately sees the pattern and Happy Birthday return. . Another section of the mobile phone and live environment comparison video, can also clearly show the phone's ability to detect very weak light. Finally, you can take a look at the movie about the low-light environment recorded with XZ2 Premium.

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