S Cai Kangyong's little show was ruined by Youku! Presumed Administration of Radio, Film and Television | Apple Daily


(Update Xiao S and Cai Kangyong replied)
Xiao S and Cai Kangyong organized a new variety show in Youku after the two years of "Kangxi Come". "Flowers and Flowers", the latest episode of Lin Chi-ling, revealed that the film was "ruined", and that Chinese netizens checked with Youku that "this video can not be viewed for copyright reasons. ;author". No response has been received, but Internet users have speculated that this could be related to the new regulation recently issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Television. For this "Apple" to check the small S, she said: "At the moment I am also confused, I do not know what's wrong, I also want to know, I can only wait now, I do not do not know when to replenish "The agent of Cai Kangyong said:" We do not know the situation. "

" The truth! After the broadcast, "Wanhua Wanwu" was very attracted because each production price was reaching 50 million Taiwanese dollars, 100 times more than the previous "Kangxi Come" 500 000 yuan.Net people hope that Xiao S and Cai Kang will wipe A more brilliant variety show, but the theme of the show is to ask the stars to show the shopping list, reveal the secrets hidden in the basket, break the habits and habits of life of the star, but since the broadcast, the advertisements are too numerous.In addition to the main guests, the six guests invited 6 guests to speak of the new structure e, which disappointed the netizens who said that they "were wasting Kangxi fit." Douban users (like Taiwan PTT) even gave a low score of 3.5. It's really bad for the teacher.

and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television have demanded that socialist social values ​​be encouraged and that young people be guided to truth, goodness and beauty, to advanced scientific and cultural knowledge and towards traditional Chinese culture. Buy "The truth!" That "flowers and flowers" are not subject to regulation and have been removed from the shelves. (Zeng Wanru, Ye Wenzheng, Complete Report by Zhang Ruizhen)

Date of publication: 17:15
Update time: 18:58

Xiao S (left) and Cai Kangyong (right) sang together to immerse themselves in Lin Zhiling's feelings. Look through the truth! "Flower and all" Weibo

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