Search 4th Huashan plank board jumping male cliff body was found (video) | Cliff Hopping Event | Corps jumping off the male cliff found New Tang Dynasty TV station


New York time:

2018-07-28 08:53 PM

On July 24, a young man suddenly walked towards the cliff when he walked to the central position on the Huashan Skywalk, and jumped with his arms wide open. (Capture of video screen)

[Période de New Dynastie Beijing, 29 juillet 2018] The Huashan board road in China's scenic spots recently experienced a cliff jump event. . At present, the police confirms the identity of the suicidal to inform his family to cope with the incident.

At around 15:55 on July 24, the Continental Network posted a video thriller: A young man wearing gray clothes and a hat suddenly climbed in the middle of the Huashan Skywalk. Unlock the safety rope, then face the cliff, open arms and jump off the cliff Several tourists by his side witnessed the unexpected incident and were shocked and astonished.

After the jump event, Huashan Scenic Spot immediately organized search personnel, after several days of search, search and rescue personnel found the body of the man on the 27th. Huashan Mountain Scenic Area staff, the reporter said that "the incident area is mainly made up of cliffs and deep cliffs, and many places are not only tourists, but even the state -Major is hard to reach. "

Xiyue Huashan Known as the strange and dangerous sight, attractions such as the long empty path, the scorpion returned, the thousand feet, and the Baichixia are the most dangerous. The long empty path is located on the east side of Huashan Nanfeng, the top and bottom of the promenade are cliffs suspended by wooden planks, the sidewalk is stone and set by stone pillars. The Heaven insurance.

It is reported that the vertical distance between the short and long board roads is about 2,000 meters from the valley, and it is very difficult for the staff to search and save.

Although Search and Rescue personnel in the area have professional search and rescue skills, the complicated terrain, and the factors that can not be found and rescued at night make the Search and Rescue Only a very short time to rescue … Find the body of a suicidal man.

The staff stated that the search and rescue operation had ended in the morning. On the afternoon of the 27th, the police were investigating the identity of the suicide and hoping to contact the family of the deceased as soon as possible to take care of the deceased.

At the same time, the staff reminded the majority of tourists that they must cherish life To cherish the good life.In the future, the scenic place will further increase the inspection of facilities in the scenic place to provide a safe and comfortable tourist environment for tourists.

New Tang people care about tips: suicide can not solve problems, courageously ask for help is not weak, society is hot everywhere, and it will surely cross the storm.

(Reporter Luo Tingting Report / Publisher: Qu Ming)

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