Sega officially fired! "Fleet Collection Arcade" has charged the offense "Abyss Horizon"! – Hong Kong Mobile Game Network


On the 28th of last month, the official website of the arcade game "Fleet Collection Arcade" issued a statement that some players were rewarded.Some items on the market are considered related to "Fleet Collection Arcade ". The official said that there is no similar service provided with the exception of the fleet's Arcade collection. And this statement is estimated to refer to the mobile game theme 3D fleet "Abyss Horizon" (Ab ビ ホ ホ ラ ラ ズ ズ ン) launched the same day.

"Fleet Collection Arcade" Game Screen

"Fleet Collection Arcade" Sega production company issued a statement on the official website today, in order to protect all the rights of his game "Fleet Collection Arcade" , officially July 11, 2018 At MorningTec Japan, we will stop the publication of "Abyss Horizon" (Ab ビ ホ ホ ホ イ ズ ズ ズ) in Japan, and file a complaint with the Tokyo Metropolitan Court.

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The "Abyss Horizon" game screen

"Abyss Horizon" was introduced in Japan during A lot of Internet chatting Because the players found that their game system and their interface design were very similar to "Fleet Collection Arcade"!

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