Shaanxi women were deceived in pyramid schemes and tortured The murderer was "mildly convicted" | Li Wenxing | Wei Zexi


[Epoch Times 2018 Juillet 08] (Full Epoch Times Hong Ning Report) boiling water, stool 砸, the cigarette butts, sticks, women Shaanxi Xiaoli (a pseudonym) was scammed into a pyramid scheme in Jiangxi Xinyu in July last year, suffered an hour and a half abuse and death.

Recently, the Chinese arbitration document issued the second instance decision of the case, which showed that Liu Tong, Wang Guopeng, Shang Xiuping and Huang Cui, who played the role of deception , of persuasion and illegal detention, were illegally detained. The crimes were sentenced to 6 years and 6 months to 4 years respectively.

Jia Yuanyuan, Wu Mou, Li Mou, etc., who are directly abused and beaten by Xiaoli, will deal with another case, many of whom are still on the run in this case.

A large number of Internet users said the judgment was too light and that the cost of crime on the continent was too low.

According to reports, the case occurred in May 2017, Liu Tong (Hunan Xinhua) is the head of a pyramid scheme at Yifu primary school, city of Xinyu.Gangzhou Wang Guopeng uses Shang Xiuping (female, Hunan Sangzhiren) The number QQ claiming to be a woman, has cheated Yangli female Yangli from Yangxian to Xinyu City.

After being deceived in the MLM point, Xiaoli lost his freedom, the cell phone, the identity card, the bank card and other personal belongings were taken away, many people l & # 39; Threatened and beaten. And use a variety of tips to find ways to let Xiaoli stay.

At 6 pm on July 16, 2017, under the command of Yang, Li Quan and four other people took the method of using butts, sticks, boiling water, stool , white wine, salt, etc. Song Li's beatings lasted for about an hour and a half, killing Li Song.

The tragic death of Xiao Li has caused a lot of anger by Internet users: "Why is MLM banned several times?" "MLM is a kidnapping for blackmail!" "The government does not ask if you want."

Episodes of pyramids are common in mainland China: deceived people are often deceived into bankruptcy, the family is broken, some are tortured into mental illness and some women are raped. Tang Jingyuan believes that the real reason that pyramid schemes can not be cured in Mainland China is that MLM organizations often collude with local government forces at all levels, and even many MLM organizations have government departments and propaganda organizations. Fraud the public trust.

According to reports, the first pyramid schemes in the continent were in the early 1990s. According to the definition of the International Direct Selling Association, direct sales are interpersonal sales of products or services to consumers, including the main feature is that they are not sold in fixed retail stores. However, after this type of marketing method entered mainland China, it turned into a deceptive deception: thousands of people were deceived, the blood was lost, the family broke down and is has become a huge social problem.

Recently, in August 2017, Qu Pengxu, a 24-year-old man from Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, was arrested in a pyramid scheme and died in Tianjin Jinghai.

After Qu Pengxu, Guo Huiwen and Li Wenxing were also involved in the Jinghai pyramid scheme. The body of Guo Huiwen, a 24-year-old Shanxi boy, was found in a puddle on the evening of 14 July. Li Wenxing, a 23-year-old Shandong boy, was found floating in a puddle near National Highway 104 in Jinghai. The difference between the two corpses is about 1 km.

In addition, Zhang Chao, a young Shandong graduate student from the University of Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia, left his home in Tianjin on July 10. Four days later, his family learned that Zhang Chao had been killed in Jinghai District. Police informed that Zhang Chao was due to heat stroke and was abandoned by members of the pyramid on the side of the road and eventually lost to death.

MLM staff often use scams, friends, and even family members to trick them into foreign MLM organizations and travel to designated places for brainwashing every day. Newcomers will be confiscated with cell phones and identity documents and will not be able to contact the outside world. Almost everything I learned in clbad was how to deceive people Many people started to develop the "downline" after learning, and attracted newcomers in various ways to complete the "performance" and sprint to the rich. But the end result is often both human and financial.

Editor-in-chief: Li Mingyu

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