Shenzhen, a bus carrying 50 pbadengers recently crossed the Longhua market The smoke caught fire. The driver named Chen immediately stopped and found that all the pbadengers had been evacuated safely in about 48 seconds. The driver then extinguished the fire with a fire extinguisher and found that the fire was an external charger commonly referred to as a "urine bag".
The bus involved in the bus was M337, and the Gongming Underwear City bus terminal was traveling to Longhua Central Station, when the bus crossed the Dahe Road Longhua Market, the pbadengers behind the car suddenly screamed. . At that time, cabin attendant Xie Jinhui found that white smoke appeared and sparks erupted. Xie saw the situation before telling Chen that the driver's car was on fire and asked for immediate parking.
48 hours evacuation of 50 pbadengers
At the same time, panicked pbadengers flocked to the front of the car, rendering Xie Jinhui unable to move. Xie Jinhui shouted to the pbadengers aloud: "Do not panic, do not panic, stop!" The driver stopped the bus at that moment and opened the door to let the pbadengers go.
After all the pbadengers disembarked safely, the driver named Chen immediately pulled the fire extinguisher near the driver's seat and extinguished the fire. It was found that there was a "bag of the week" with obvious burn marks on the floor of the cart, a charging cable and an eco shopping bag. A cell phone with a pbadenger would explode while charging. with a "bag of the week". The driver immediately reports the alarm and reports the situation to the team safety officer.
According to the closed circuit television register, smoke inside the car at the bus stop, and then evacuate all pbadengers in the car, the process has not taken than 48 seconds, no one was injured in the accident.
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