Shi teacher studio – Invalidating tips and dismantling tips – Yahoo Hong Kong


[Qing Bao News] On the issue of reducing real estate prices, Ms. Carrie Lam said at the Legislative Council's question and answer session that if the "spicy" was not hot, d & # 39; Other measures would be considered. Although the "great road is one foot high and the height of magic is one foot," the government must have such a "magic height and a foot" and plan to solve the problem housing for the public. Many homeowners now understood that they were avoiding the "spice" stamp, and Lin Zheng said that it could prevent people from buying apartments ("one of the restrictions"), but he has only said when he asked questions a few days ago. "You can watch again (see) and you will continue to watch it." She also pointed out that if the tour is more spicy, and the building is in short supply, think of other ways. The "purchase restriction" is certainly a solution, and the newly introduced vacant tax on the first floor is the same method.

While some have criticized the government for its ineffectiveness in imposing vacant taxes, two new apartments close to the market have accelerated sales in recent days: not only do they have a particular rotation period, but some even say that individual units can be sold first. And the rent is even lower. Regardless of the type of units provided by the two new disks, the vacant tax seems to have worked, and whether the vacant tax can be simply pbaded on to buyers by the developers is not as easy as imagined.

Land tenure has become a scarce resource in Hong Kong: the spice effect of the stamp duty has decreased and the supply being extremely short, the government should make another move: as for the starvation, it must be ensured that white rice does not accumulate. The vacant taxes are fighting against hoarding. But the most important is that the government has pushed more public housing "to rent and not sell" instead of trying every means for the public to be the owner.

Someone asked the author why they had repeatedly insisted that they should "rent and not sell" and solve the housing problem of Hong Kongers instead of to think about the difficulty of the Hong Kong people to buy a property? It's only because the young people of Britain, the United States and even mainland China can not easily own the property, which is unique to Hong Kongers. According to a research report in the UK, young people born in three thousand and one thousand generations will never be able to buy a home! They can only grow in rented houses and even rent a house for life, and when they retire, they will increase government housing expenses.

Another study by the Urban Institute also pointed out that millennials in the United States also face the same problem: they are between 25 and 34 years old, as Generation X (1965-80) and the baby People born at the time of the tides (1946-1964) saw their property decrease by 8%. In other words, whether it is because of personal choices or economic factors, young people today will be less likely to own property than their parents and grandparents at the same age. .

The situation in China is not good either. If we take the example of Beijing, it is said that it is a property, and recently, because of the local "graduation season", the number of tenants who prepared their children for school in September further increased the rent. According to some polls, more than 80% of young people (18 to 35 years) who rent a house feel like they have too much pressure to rent a house, so they have the sigh of "can not get allow a house and can not afford it. " Of course, the situation in China, the United Kingdom and the United States does not mean that Hong Kong should not reverse the situation, but the government should have only the responsibility to provide for people's housing needs.

Author: Shi teacher studio

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