SJ Lite morning sickness was sent to the hospital after knife stabilization – free entertainment


2018/07/24 20:06

[Entertainment Channel / Rapport détaillé] Super Junior (SJ) Captain Litte witnessed the 22nd in the Gwanghwamun registration program "Sell to return to China", selling jackets The efforts of Bed to introduce the function of the down jacket, more personally worn on the body, to complete the task, just when Han male temperature is 37 degrees of temperature, the hot day wears a jacket to boost sales, his professionalism admires the Surfer. Today (24), he suddenly felt severe abdominal pain early in the morning and was sent urgently to the hospital for treatment.

According to "East Asia Sports" reported that some people revealed that Lit was sent to the hospital around 5 am today (24) due to pain abdominal pain, and the diagnosis was acute cholecystitis. According to the doctor's opinion, the operation was immediately carried out and the operation was very successful Currently, the status of Lit is rather good: as for SMTOWN LIVE 2018 in Osaka to be held in Osaka from the 28th to the 30th, the family will be absent after the operation. Concert. Bed was rushed to hospital early in the morning (24) for acute cholecystitis. (East Asia Sports Review) Lit witnessed a day because he finished the show wearing a bush on a hot day. (Revolving from Weibo)

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