Skating "regret! Dennis, 25-year-old Kazakh skate star, stunned today – free sports


The star of the Kazakh figure skating Dennis Ding. (Photo, Associated Press)

[Reporter Zhuo Jiaping / rapport complet] According to the BBC report, Kenyan figure skating star Denis Ten was stabbed by two gangsters today and died after being sent to the police station. hospital. Years, which makes the world of skating difficult.

Dennis Ding, 25, won many medals at the Fancy World Championships in 2014. The bronze medal of the Sochi Winter Olympics was a well-sold Kazakh flower in 2014. He also participated in the winter Olympics of Pyeongchang.

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According to foreign media reports, Dennis Ding discovered that two gangsters wanted to steal the rear view mirror from his vehicle, then two people stabbed their thighs and were sent away from the vehicle. emergency at the hospital. Lack of surgery. A spokesman for the Kazakh government confirmed the death of Dennis Ding and regretted that Dennis Ding left them.

Kazakhstan's figure skating star, Dennis Ding, won a bronze medal at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. (Information, Reuters)

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