"Someone complains of unfair trade" Lu Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Business man will not make 40 years at a loss | ETtoday Continental | ETtoday Cloud News


  ▲ ▼ GDP, customs duties, Sino-US trade war, RMB (Figure / CFP)

▲ Sino-US trade war continues. (Photo / CFP)

Continental Center / Comprehensive Report

"People who do business are not stupid and do not want to lose 40 years of their sales." Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Yucheng recently said: China has traded in a deficit business and made the above remarks. He was invited to participate in the 7th World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing. According to the press release of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Yucheng said some people complained that the Chinese trade was unfair and that he had made a deficit business: "China is a country lagging behind in international trade. Chinese currency, WTO membership requirements are also required. "The United States has already expressed a trade war, including the huge trade deficit with China.

The Yucheng said that the unfair hat can not be deducted from China anyway, 40 years ago, China's total foreign trade volume was 20.6 billion US dollars In 2017, only trade in goods US $ 4.1 trillion Strong sales, but mutual benefit and win-win, "people who do business are not stupid, will not be willing to make 40 years of business losses."

ur some people are not satisfied Over the past 40 years, the Chinese government has continued to work hard to improve the investment environment, and has done a lot of work in market access, administration, decentralization and the fight against corruption.

The Yucheng pointed out that China has always been the most attractive developing country in the world, attracting foreign investment to the world last year, after the United States and newly foreign capital established in the first half of this year. Nearly 30,000 businesses, an increase of 96.6%. If the investment environment is not good and there is no money to be made, the investment will not come.

At the same time, Yucheng also noted that some people accused China of "stealing intellectual property rights" by various means. China's position on the protection of intellectual property is very firm and measures are constantly improving: last year, China's external payment of intellectual property rights reached 28.6 billion yuan. US dollars. The unfair competition law strengthens the protection of intellectual property rights.

Yucheng mentioned that foreign investment management regulations in China did not require mandatory transfer of technology: some continue to accuse the Chinese government of obliging foreign companies to transfer technologies in China, but they have not even provided specific cases. The Yucheng says that there are a thousand Hamlet in the hearts of a thousand people, it is impossible not to have different opinions about the cooperation around the Belt and the Road, but there is a consensus that Belt and Road cooperation is nothing. The pitfalls of debt and the plundering of resources are not about locking up the group and looking for the sphere of influence, but the path of peace, the path of cooperation and the path of openness.

▼ Yucheng delivered a speech at the 7th World Peace Forum. (Photo / Debrief of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China)

<img src = "http://cdn2.ettoday.net/images/3417/d3417057.jpg" alt = "▲ ▼ The Deputy Foreign Minister Yucheng delivered a speech at the 7th World Peace Forum ★ Photo copyright: The photo is a copyright photo, which is dedicated to ETtoday News Cloud by CFP Vision China.All website, newspaper, television channel does not have a PFC The license may not be reproduced in part or in whole.

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