[Souffle du diable] spiced on Tabasco 500 times food ice cream to sign life and death |


A restaurant in Chengdu, Sichuan, launched the "Red Pepper Chili New Land" .The Glasgow restaurant in Scotland launched a spicy ice cream earlier this year, including raw materials including more than 1.5 million Scoville Heat units (Scoville Heat). Unity), spiced on American Chili Sauce (Tabasco) 500 times. The restaurant requires guests to be at least 18 years old and must sign a warning like "life and death" before eating.

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[Glace et Feu Deux Sentiments] Chile Newland Heavy Taste 12 Mosquito celebrates the taste of challenge (https://bit.ly/2uO0j6F) This hot ice cream is called "The Breath of the Devil" (Respiro Del Diavolo), 1,569,300 spicy Scoville, the restaurant believes that the delicacy of ice cream can exceed the imagination of the guests, asking the guests to sign a warning before eating, the statement mentions that "the ice cream consumed can cause physical discomfort The disease has even lost its life. "The staff responsible for this ice cream must also wear gloves to protect their hands. The spicy ice cream was developed by two Italian brothers, 38-year-old Lee Bandoni: "We know that Glasgowers are addicted to spicy foods Before the launch, we had to explain to the food regulator that eating ice cream could make them feel. The explosion in the mouth is the same. "The price of ice cream is only 2 pounds (about 20 Hong Kong dollars), the brothers said that they are looking forward to the reaction after the launch of the ice cream." Scoville Scale was founded in 1912 by the American chemist Wilbur Scoville for the pharmaceutical company Parke-Davis in order to invent a method of measuring the degree of heat.The family name "Scoville" (Scoville) is called "Scoville Spicy Unit". There is no spicy taste with sweet peppers, so SHU is 0, Thailand refers to about 70,000 to 90,000 peppers, Bhut Jolokia 1 million, and Trinidad Scorpion 1.46 million. Future Network

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