Spotify broke the 100 million paying user mark, but returned to the loss of money


In the latest earnings report, Spotify is pleased to announce that the number of paid premium users still exceeds 100 million people, almost the same number as the 117 million free users, and that the number total of Spotify users has reached 217 million. One of the key points of this breakthrough was the launch of Spotify in the Indian market: more than one million people joined the Indian market during the first week of service opening in February and have doubled over the next four weeks.

However, even if the number of users continues to increase, Spotify will not be able to turn them into profits. After the meager profits made in the last quarter, this quarter again lost $ 158 million in net losses. At least, the net loss is still lower than the $ 188 million of the same period last year, and Spotify attributes this loss to employee bonuses and tax burdens; it should therefore be improved in the next quarter.

Although the country is barely at the edge of profit, this does not mean that Spotify is not well mixed in the streaming industry. On the contrary, Spotify, as a leader, continues to tighten the control of the market: it resists on the one hand the high capital, but its number of users is less than 1/4 of that of Apple, but it also widens Podcast customer base and uses Podcast to fix it. Sexual characteristics to increase the willingness of customers to pay for subscriptions.

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