Star man 娶 billion billion gold 3 happy second child word news – free entertainment


2018/07/23 10:25

[Journaliste Xiao Fangzhen / Rapport Taipei] Former member of Lollipop A Wei, who was worth 20 billion years, was the founder of the International Logistics Company, the Chinese capital of the Philippines. A photo of Wei of a family of 3 on Facebook on the face of the book, celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the wedding, and also showed a wish to lock, saying, "Money grows up safely, Xiaobei B is in good health and in good health. "Wei Dou Happiness", "Little North B" 3 seems to imply that the woman has been pregnant with a second child, so many fans have a message to bless.

Wei's father-in-law, Qian Yuhuai, is the founder and chairman of China-Philippines International Logistics, whose annual business turnover stands at 14.7 billion yuan. Although the father-in-law is the big boss, Awei is also very competitive: three years ago, the Hong Kong-style restaurant was presented and the food was really creative. NT $ 100 million.

A Wei yesterday celebrated the second anniversary of his marriage to his wife Qian Wenyi on Facebook, and shouted to his wife: "Most of the two years work, every day, like a robot, you go out sooner and later, You do not like it, I spend too little time with my family, but I still understand the hard work of creating a business, no matter what, I should have lived like that in the next ten years, but I will still take the trouble to accompany you for the wedding anniversary .. Happy Birthday! " A Wei (right) shared a family of three sweet photos. (Reflected from the face book) A Wei shared the love of the lock on the text sank. (Reflected by Facebook)

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