"STAR WARS: Star Wars 9" movie begins August 1st J.J. Abraham back guide


Disney announced that "STAR WARS: Star Wars 9 (official rendition)" will begin shooting in London from August 1, Kelly Fisher, Mark Hammer are on the cast, fans will be able to be In the ninth For the last time, I saw the figure of Princess Lia and Luke, and I painted the last chapter of the Star Wars Skywalkers family.

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"STAR WARS: Star Wars 9" will be returned to the director of "STAR WARS: Awakening Force" JJ Abraham, and he is also working with the gold medalist "Asian Fruits" Write the script together . The soundtrack master John Williams, who plays the clbadic theme song of the Star Wars series, is also on the list of people behind the scenes.

The return cast includes "芮" 黛西蕾德利, "Finn" John Poyega, "Cello", Adam Trevor, "Podaylen" Oscar Isaac, "My Zkanata" Lucy Tani Or, "General Hess" Domnal Gleason , "Ross" Kelly Marie Chuan, "Aki Baka" Yunus Suotamo, Billy Luo Deer will perform again.

And "Luke" Mark Hammer will join the "Ninth" with "Lando Carrisin" Billy Williams and "C-3PO" Anthony Daniels in the previous episode. STAR WARS: Luke, the last Jedi Knight, will appear in the story at what time and in what kind of face, and will he be with the old friend Blue?

Regarding the role of Princess Leia, Director JJ Abraham said with emotion: "We love Kelly Fisher, and we want to make a satisfying conclusion for the Skywalker family. Kelly, we will not re-elect it and we will not replace it with CG. "With the help of Kelly Fisher's family," STAR WARS: Star Wars 9 "will use the previous" STAR WARS: Force Awakening "unpublished images to complete the performance of the ninth part.The leader also pointed out that with such an arrangement, fans can end up in the "STAR WARS: Star Wars 9" for the last time with the Skywalker brothers and sisters, and say goodbye.The movie should be out in December 2019.

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