Stellar monsters interact with the supermassive black hole to see the real chapter, and the general theory of relativity passes the test of madness |


Astronomers culminate in 26-year-old observation of the Milky Way Center! A study by the German Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics announced that Einstein's gravitational redshift phenomenon predicted in general relativity was the first to verify the clearance of extreme gravitational fields around supermbadive black holes. Gravitational redshift, when the light wave or other fluctuations are far away from a strong gravitational field source (such as a giant star or a black hole), the overall spectrum will move towards the & & Red & l l l l l l l l,,,,,,,,,,,,, red end, ie Growth Phenomenon

There have been many experimental results that support the existence of gravitational redshift, but now scientists are the first to see a black hole very close to the supermbadive black hole Sagittarius A * (Sgr A *) in the center of the galaxy. The S2 racing star (the orbital period is only about 16 years old), its redshift data is almost perfect, and Einstein's argument resists once again to a huge test. The Sagittarius A * is about 26 000 light-years away, surrounded by a small group of high-speed stars: Sagittarius A * is usually very quiet, but its mbad reaches 4 million times the mbad of the Sun. This extreme environment has also become one of the best places for future astronomers to test the theory of Einstein.

In May 2018, scientists discovered that the S2 star came back very close to the black hole after 2002 (in fact, the star went through the black hole 26,000 years ago, but its light only recently hit our telescope.), with a distance of less than 20 billion kilometers and a speed of 25 million kilometers per hour (about 3% of the speed of light), this is a good time for scientists to study the gravitational redshift.

"Sky and Telescope" explains that according to general relativity, large-scale objects cause distortions in spatio-temporal structures, and even light travels along curved paths of the gravitational field. When the star S2 approaches Sagittarius A *, the light barely comes out of the gravity hole of the black hole but loses energy, so we see that the wavelength of light in the spectrum is stretched and the frequency shifted down.

But in the past, it was not easy to observe a star at high speed around a black hole. First, the black hole is far from us, the center of the Milky Way is surrounded by thick dust clouds and visible light can not be observed. The infrared sensor must be used to track the source of infrared light by penetrating the dust.

Reinhard Genzel, astrophysicist of the Max Planck Institute for the Physical Extraterrestrial (MEP), said it was the second time the team observed that S2 was oversized. The black hole mbad pbades close, but this time the ESO instrument Very Large Telescope (VLT) has been greatly improved, allowing scientists to observe stars with unprecedented resolution.

Finally, the team announced the amazing results at the press conference – the star S2 gravitational redshift data are inconsistent with the Newtonian prediction, but it is entirely consistent with the prediction of the general theory of relativity. Newton, the crowd immediately made applause and cheers.

We do not know if we need more extreme environments to find a crack in Einstein 's theory, but the team is in the middle of a second observation, ready to test another in relativity called Schwarzschild precession. Effect The new study is published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

(Source: European Space Agency)

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