Strait Talks: The Grand Canal Mondial starts in Chinese Taipei or Taiwan?


Washington –

The World University Games will be held in Taipei in 2017. The issue of the name of Taiwan has again sparked controversy. Should Taiwan's participation in international competitions call on "Chinese Taipei Team" or "Taiwan Team"? Cai Ying attended the opening ceremony as President of the Republic of China: 23 million People are all Taiwanese, "calling on the Taiwanese people to unite and defend its original court! The Chinese team was absent from the team competition and was technically absent from the opening ceremony and from the other side the anti-pension reform group protested on the sidelines of the ceremony. Opening of the World Games and the participation of Chinese forces.One day before the opening ceremony, a man stole the Japanese army knife at the Museum of Military History. cut the military police from the presidential palace and claimed to raise a five-star red flag in Taiwan's presidential palace, leaving a suicide note saying that he hoped to complete reunification of China as soon as possible. the first half of the discussions on the strait will lead you to the opening of the Universiade and this unusual event to thoroughly discuss issues of Taiwan's national identity and invite Fan Shiping, a professor at the Institute of Political Science of the National Taiwan Normal University, to visit Johns Hopkins University. Huang Yuxi, scholar, for your in-depth badysis.

Fan Shiping, a professor at the Institute of Political Science at the National Taiwan Normal University, said in the interview, "This Taipei event is a happy event for Taiwan, long suppressed by Beijing in the international community. wearing the Republic of China on a sunny day.The red globe flag was on the scene, the Uruguayan delegation displayed the flag of the Republic of China and Tsai Ing-wen participated in the opening ceremony as President of the Republic of China, who broke the previous "Olympic Model" and is of great importance to Taiwan, at the opening ceremony, the combination of Taiwan and Chinese Taipei also increased Taiwan's international visibility. "

In response to the team competition of the Chinese team who abstained and the technical absence at the opening ceremony, Fan Shiping believes that such a practice in China has lost the country's behavior. Fan Shiping said: "Due to the interference of anti-annoyance reform group protests, athletes from different delegations can not enter the stadium one by one.Previously, mainland China participated in the competition is relatively low, everyone expects that only the Chinese delegation will have the flag.It is the case, but there are now more than 20 countries.I think that China will be optimistic vis-a-vis this phenomenon, because it is an event that goes against the style of the great country of mainland China.Commissions of the international community.But now, this situation has led to a loss of concentration of the continent on this incident . "

Some Taiwanese launched a famous campaign at the Opening Ceremony of the World Games: "Taiwan is Taiwan, we do not want Chinese Taipei". In addition to asking "Taiwan team", I also hope to use the green flag of Taiwan to replace Taiwan. The players applauded.

Wang Xianji, founder of the Taiwan State Office, said in an interview with the Voice of America reporter in Taipei, "We have to do our best to fight this phenomenon, we need to take this flag and the transmit to the international community ". The flag of Taiwan, we want to hear the voice of Taiwan and protest strongly to the organizers until they accept the voice of the Taiwanese and join the competition on behalf of the Taiwan team. "

Does the appearance of such a voice at the World Games highlight the trend of Taiwanese national identity? The pride of holding international events and anger at being repressed by Beijing, will the combination of the two reinforce Taiwan's sense of independence?

Huang Yuxi, a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, said in the Straits Discussions: "I think this issue is divided into two levels: national and international, and at the national level this issue reflects recognition Taiwanese people from the Taiwanese government and from the point of view of the polls of recent years, the views of the Taiwanese people in favor of maintaining the status quo represent a great deal of international success. Chinese authorities in Beijing suppress Taiwan in the international community, wishing to participate in sporting events.To deal with this international reality, I think it is imperative to participate in relevant activities and let the international community become aware of the existence of Taiwan.The specific use of Taiwan or the Republic of China for the international participation, the internal relations of Taiwan First, we must reach a consensus. If there is no consensus within Taiwanese society, I think being able to participate is a good thing. "

The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation recently announced the results of the Taiwan Identity and 2017 Taipei World Universiade survey. Respondents liked the name "Chinese Taipei", 6.5% liked it, 35.1% liked it, 28.7% did not like it, 19.1% did not like it , 10.6% did not know it, did not know it, refused it. In other words, 48% of Taiwanese do not like to participate in the name of "Chinese Taipei", but 42% like it. In addition to the name problem, the latest survey results also show that 72% of Taiwanese identify as Taiwanese, 10.6% consider themselves Chinese and 12.1% both Taiwanese. Chinese, 5.3% have no opinion, do not know or do not want to answer. It should be noted that, compared with Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation survey results last May, the Taiwanese identity decreased by 8.8 percentage points, the Chinese agreed to increase by 2.5 percentage points and double identity also increased by 4.5 percentage points. In 2017, Taiwanese have agreed to return to the level of about 2011. Experts believe that it is a very unusual phenomenon that deserves to be deepened.

Huang Yuxi further badyzed that the design of the poll was intended to investigate the cross-strait process and national identity. The "Taiwanese" identity indicates that the sovereignty and power of the country are only "the gold horse of Taiwan". Some people here can support the immediate independence of Taiwan and others the "Republic of China to Taiwan, Golden Horse". "The choice of Taiwanese and Chinese" means that "the sovereignty is in China and the power is in Taiwan and Taiwan". The option "Chinese" means support to the unit. We can not ignore the factors caused by the wives of the mainland in Taiwan. Why is the recognition of the "Taiwanese people" declining? I think there are several reasons: first, the PDP has not promoted its "Taiwan Independence Proposal" since taking office and the population has been disappointed. Second, the Chinese mainland's influence on the international scene is expanding, which makes the "Chinese people" Third, I am very curious about whether the "Chinese" option is included, the results of the Investigation will be different. Fourth, I think the purpose of this survey is Taiwan's independence to Tsai Ing-wen "force the palace".

The World Universiade in Taipei will be held until August 30th. If both sides of the Taiwan Strait face each other in the next ten days, is it possible to repeat the same situation as at the Taipei Egg Hockey Championships in March of this year? In international sports events, if the Chinese team meets the Japanese team, to whom will the Taiwanese public rejoice?

Huang Yuxi said: "Sports events are often the quintessence of politics, such as the history of the US-Soviet hegemony at the Olympics, the diplomacy of the ping pong ball between China and the USA, etc. In a globalized world, it is actually difficult to use the continent and Taiwan to divide young people on both sides of the strait: among some clbades, young Taiwanese are very close to the continent's youth and hockey on ice is a more violent sport.I do not think it's appropriate that players crossing the Strait fight the group. "

Fan Shiping has expressed concern over the reciprocal hate phenomenon between "naturally independent" and "little rose" on both sides of the strait: "There have been cases in which young Taiwanese have helped the Japanese team in the Mainland China believes that blood is bigger than all the rest and the concept of cross-family Taiwanese believe that the link between human rights, democracy and freedom is deeper than blood. In China, China's past emphasis on bloodline thinking was not a market.The Strait issue is thought to be a large-scale confrontation between the two sides of the Strait. "

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YouTube video: Strait Talk: The Global Grand Cbad begins in Chinese Taipei or Taiwan?

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