Strengthen the examination of the mainland in Taiwan The MAC: fight the united front | The voice of Germany from Germany Presentation of Germany | DW


(Chinese Voice Chinese Network) Vice President of Taiwan Affairs Council, Qiu Chengzheng, said on the 28th that the necessary measures based on the legitimate defense will strengthen the examination of the applications submitted by the various levels of government of the Mainland China. The MAC also made a specific statement on the Voice of Germany today, expressing Taiwan's stance on the fight against the United Front.

Regarding the detailed measures to "strengthen the examination", it was answered in a letter from MAC: "The competent authorities will establish companies or offices in Mainland China in the name of commercial and academic research. There is co-operation with the territorial party for political propaganda or a common front, or Persons engaged in illegal, illegal or illegal activities will be subject to strict investigation and requests in respect of Taiwan will be strictly reviewed by the joint review mechanism of various agencies. "

The MAC said that in the future, the Taiwan government would use the joint review mechanism by the Department of Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior to strengthen the horizontal review organizations and conduct inspections in accordance with the law. If it is found that it is illegal, the competent authority will treat it in accordance with cross-regulation and other relevant regulations.

Taiwan has accused China of "blocking personnel exchanges between straits in different ways, rejecting official interactions and resolving disputes" in recent years. It has also organized violations of Taiwan's communication regulations to obtain a united front and a division, giving rise to "strait exchanges that are not equivalent to the land." The social order has seriously compromised the good development on both sides of the strait. "

Taiwan Kampfjet (photo-alliance / photo AP / Department of National Defense)

The Chinese military aircraft is flying around the Taiwanese several times and the provocation is strong.

"Do not let me finish anymore"

"The Central News Agency" announced that Qiu Chengzheng had been summoned before the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Committee on behalf of the Legislative Yuan and had indicated that "the loss of two states in a month, the l '. accurate badessment of my diplomatic situation and the response to the major diplomatic crisis that my Government no longer tolerates "are also available. During the interview, Qiu Chengzheng responded that China had recently exerted a series of diplomatic pressure, military intimidation and hostile acts between the two sides. In the interest of national security and the well-being of the people, we will request a review of the different levels of government and relevant personnel from China.

Qiu Chengzheng said that the review conducted by the MAC was aimed at officials at all levels in mainland China: the existing review mechanism has not been changed for ordinary landers, land, people of Business or professional organizations. The violations of the case will be strictly examined in order to guarantee the national security and the well-being of the population.

In addition, the Taiwanese media "Free Times" reported that Chinese schools had recruited doctoral students and teachers in Taipei, but after the revelation of the event, the government was worried and the activities were canceled. Qiu Chou said that under the regulation on cross-strait relations, Chinese schools at all levels can not come to Taiwan to enroll students. This trip did not take place when the event was submitted to Taiwan.

Xia Limin / Li Wei (Full Report)

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