[Super League de Hong Kong] Wen Jun joins Guanzhong South District Levin September for the South Asian Championship of the National War | UPower


There are two news about the Southern District of Guanzhong …

The Hong Kong Super Football Team The Southern District of Guanzhong announced on Wednesday (July 25) that it had been Used to play the role of midfielder of the team. The player Wen Jun, officially transferred to join, will be put in training Thursday (July 26th).

Photo of the Hong Kong Football Association

Wen Jun was borrowed from Jiezhi South in the Southern District of Guanzhong in the 2015-16 season, this time he officially joined the team of branch and received official visits. Wen Jun said: "Guanzhong South District is a very good team, the management, the coaching staff and the players all have quality and strength, and I am very happy to be able to come back here. opportunities to play, for the team to win, but also hope to win the league in the cup, the league to maintain the peak position. "Guanzhong South District has already signed to Liu Jiaming, now add a defensive player.

Levin won a lot of support photos for Hong Kong and Pakistani

On the other hand, Pakistani international Levin of the South Division will return to the national team to take part in the South Football Championships -Asians in September. The event came back three or four days before the start of the event on September 4, and Levin's previous visit to Reuters confirmed that he would play in the South Asian Championship: "J & # 39; I have participated in the championships of Southeast Asia in 2005 and 2013, both are very good experiences, I like to play against the team of Southeast Asia. In fact, Pakistan has not participated in the international competition for three years (previously suspended by the International Football Association), it's a blow to me and the other players.The players want to represent the country, if you have experienced it, you will understand this feeling. "

Levin will play for Pakistan at the South Asian Championships Levin Official Website

Levin has completed the professional coaching course of Levin. European Football Association He hopes to train Pakistan in the future: "One of my goals to long-term is to become the national team coach and contribute to the development of Pakistani football, which will allow me to work around the world.
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