Sword refers to the 2022 Teddy World Cup should be inherited from 4 years of Brazil training: this is a major challenge | UPower


After 4 years, can Teddy lead Brazil to the finals of the World Cup?

The Brazilian team is a source of joy for many fans. Photo AP

Finals of the World Cup of Russia, Brazil is ready to hit the 6th time, but lost against Belgium in the 8th with 1: 2. Although the coach of Brazil, Teddy, he has such remarkable players as Nima, Famingu and Gutiannu, he has not been able to rejoice with the nationals.

Although Brazil lost, Teddy again won the hearts of the people, and the Brazilian Football Association decided to let him continue to coach, the two sides agreed to renew the contract for four years until At the end of the next World Cup. The CEO of the Brazilian Football Association, Ka Baogao, said: "Teddy and Iduo show that they respect the values ​​of the Brazilian Football Association and appreciate the talent and dedication of the players. " We are investing in a six and a half year plan. With careful deployment and intelligent implementation of the plan, we can achieve our goals. "

Teddy is ready to continue serving the Brazilian team for the next four years." Photo of AP

Nima still has to work hard to lead Brazil into the finals of the FIFA World Cup ™ AP Photo

After Teddy renewed his contract, the next big game was the America's Cup 2019, which was staged at home in Brazil. ready to take up the challenge of the next four years: "The Brazilian Football Federation has given us all the necessary conditions to build a united and professional team, which we have always done, the future is a challenge, but we will do it. The efforts to cope, are ready to face the next event and the next cup.

Brazil is the host country for the next Americas Cup Photo of the AP

The last winner of Brazil was the Intercontinental Nations Cup 2013, which took place In Brazil.As for the World Cup, the last time they sealed the king was in 2002, and Scogliari led the team to hold the championship in the Korea-Japan World Cup. In America's Cup, the last time they won the championship was in Venezuela in 2007, and the final beat Argentina by 3: 0.

L & # 39; America's Cup 2019 is being organized by Brazil and runs from June 14 to July 7, 2011. The 12 teams include Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Brazil. Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay Venezuela, and two invited teams from Japan and Qatar

Brazil has another great game mission in 19 years Image AP

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