Tainan is alive! The scene "Failed Chicken Fulai" Lin Yifeng broke the praises of the net: the whole family voted for you | ETtoday life | ETtoday news cloud


Net search group / comprehensive report

"The first time I saw Tainan live!" Lin Yifeng, a non-party member, was elected mayor of Tainan in 2018. On 14 and 15, he held the "Crazy Friday". The first day of the event also went well at 10 pm and many people said, "For the first 10 years, I saw Tainan live for the first time.

Li Zixian, the instructor responsible for Lin Yifeng's online marketing, said he appreciates Ke Wenzhe's team marketing method and relies on the operation of the team Ke P to launch the marketing of "Crazy Friday". I did not think about it at all.

 Crazy Friday The first 70 Ye Lin Lin of Tainan voted! Net-tovbading: the 100 best DJs are behind. (Photo / Lin Yifeng Flip Lin YouTube)

▲ ▼ All users who participated in "Crazy Friday" were all congratulated.

 ▲ ▼ Tainan live!

"Crazy Friday" started at 17h and finished at 10:15 in the evening, in total 6,000 people attended the scene, Lin Yifeng C was a photo with the Japanese DJ " DJ YUMMY "on stage with a national flag, he took the opportunity to express his political views, including the death of the city, 1 million deaths, reaffirming the" ten political views ".

Many netizens who participated in the news posted a message about Lin Yifeng powder, "The mayor is good", "The event was a great success, Feng Gezan, Tainan told him gave a setback, and he gave the rotten chlorine. " "Like", "I have not seen Tainan for a long time" and "ready to spend money to relieve people, it's better than nothing" "Feng Ge is super beautiful! J & I saw Tainan live for the first time. "" Thank you, our family will support you. "

 ▲ Fulai chicken loss, CrazyFriday, crazy Friday, Lin Yifeng, mayor election of Tainan. (Photo / Reporter Hu Shunhui photo)

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