Taiwan Business Council: Political Factors Must Not Intervene in Art, Film, and TV Exchange Between the Two Shores – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

Business Council of Taiwan: Voice of America Chinese (VOA) should not be influenced by political factors.

Taiwanese actor Ke Yulun was accused of supporting the independence of Taiwan and his film was banned by China. In this regard, the Taiwan Provincial Land Commission has called for the policy not to be involved in the exchange of art, literature and film between the two sides. Taiwanese actor Ke Yulun was accused of supporting the independence of Taiwan and his film was banned by China. In this regard, the Taiwan Provincial Land Commission has called for the policy not to be involved in the exchange of art, literature and film between the two sides. The film "Johnny Keck" starring Taiwanese actor Ke Yulun was released in China on April 13. However, as Chinese netizens claimed that Ke Yulun was a Taiwanese artist, the Chinese distributor immediately announced that the film had been temporarily released for some reason. Chinese netizens said Ke Yulun's father, Ke Yi, was a member of power at the time. He said Ke Yulun was in favor of anti-China independence, Taiwan, anti-service trade and other activities, and he spared no effort to support the forces of Taiwan's independent organization. . Anshanshan, spokesman for the Chinese Affairs Bureau in Taiwan, on Wednesday accepted a media investigation to confirm that Taiwanese-independent films and Taiwanese artists enjoying Taiwanese independence and acts do not would not be allowed to appear on the mainland. He also said that if these Taiwanese artists realize the mistakes and wrongs of Taiwan 's independence and change their minds and actions, we are welcome. Cai Adapted to Voice of America, Taiwan's ruling legislature of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, believes that the Chinese side believes that only those who support the principle of one China can earn money in China. This logic is very unreasonable. Tsai Adaptation, the Taiwan legislator of the ruling Progressive Democratic Party in Taiwan, said, "Because the citizens of many countries have invested in China, with the exception of Taiwan, many companies in these countries have their own policies: recognition China, Taiwan and China have not blocked the relevant enterprises financed by foreign funds. I think China is only targeting Taiwan, "said the Cai Adaptation Committee, which said that this type of practice in China would only have negative effects. Imagine that Taiwan is treating it the same way. Chinese people, relations between the two sides will only worsen. Taiwan's MAC said mainland China was against Taiwan 3 …

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