Taiwan flu vaccine contains suspended solids Hong Kong has injected 75,000 needles into a clinic to suspend injections – Hong Kong Economic Times – TOPick – News – Society



Taiwan revealed that the influenza vaccine had suspended solids and that the Hong Kong investigation revealed that it imported 175,000 doses of the same batch of vaccine and injected 75,000.

A batch of trivalent influenza vaccines for the Taiwanese adult in Sanofi found black suspensions in the sampling test, while some of the four-valence influenza vaccines also had a white suspension and nearly 520,000 vaccines had to be destroyed or recycled. Vaccine provider Sanofi Pasteur responded today (27) that Hong Kong has imported the same batch of about 195,000 doses of tetravalent influenza vaccine into Taiwan. The Ministry of Health had revealed that about 100,000 doses of vaccine were not being used, that is Seventy-five thousand doses were injected and Sanofi announced its intention to transfer another batch of vaccines soon as possible.

Although the provider pointed out that there was no evidence that the quality of the vaccine was a problem, he decided, after deliberation with the Ministry of Health, to suspend the injection and replace another lot of influenza. tetravalent for public and private medical facilities starting tomorrow (28 November). Vaccines and hope to make a smooth transition.

The Ministry of Health immediately suspended the use of the affected influenza vaccine, including the Seniors Service Center, which will be suspended until the wholesalers transfer the new batch of vaccines. Ministry of Health School Vaccination, With the influenza vaccine provided by another company being used, the vaccination provisions of the pilot program are not affected by the incident.

The Ministry of Health reminded staff or visiting physicians whether or not they had purchased the anti-influenza vaccine with four antigens, but should suspend it without receiving an influenza vaccine. Report of adverse event.

A spokesman for the hospital management said all public hospitals and outpatients had temporarily suspended the seasonal flu vaccination service and had asked the pharmacy to replenish it as soon as possible. Influenza vaccines from other unaffected lots should resume seasonal flu immunization services this Saturday (December 1).

The HA also indicated that she had not received any adverse reaction reports after the injection of the corresponding vaccine batches to the patients and that, if they felt unwell after the vaccination of the public, they could consult the staff. medical.

A spokesman for Sanofi Pasteur pointed out that Hong Kong imported the same batch of about 195,000 doses of tetravalent flu shot (number of outer box label: R3J721V; needle: R3J72), made in France. However, there is currently no indication that its quality, safety or efficacy is affected, but the 36,000 doses of tetravalent influenza vaccine have been suspended until the French headquarters completes the investigation. Instead, the French group will provide the public with additional batches of tetravalent influenza vaccine. Private medical institutions. Public or private medical institutions holding the uninjected tetravalent influenza vaccine will be arranged to transfer another batch of vaccines. The provider also stated that Hong Kong has not imported trivalent influenza vaccine during the influenza season.

Last week, the Sanofi Pasteur office in Taiwan had asked the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to take samples of vaccines containing white "suspended solids" and send them to French headquarters for further badysis and control. The same batch of tetravalent influenza vaccine did not contain a report containing a white "suspension", and the company has provided the world with more than 20 million doses of tetravalent influenza vaccine during the current flu trimester. Report

Another pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline Limited, which supplies the influenza epidemic in Hong Kong, said it was actively discussing with its headquarters the possibility of increasing the supply of influenza vaccines in Hong Kong and maintaining close contacts with the Hong Kong Ministry of Health to continue to monitor the situation in Hong Kong. . It is understood that the company's influenza vaccine has not encountered similar problems.

The suspension of the needles against the flu in all the hospitals and outpatient clinics of the HA has resumed the injections this Saturday

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