Taiwan is promoting Cai Xihui? Scholar: No hope | Voice of Germany From Germany Presentation of Germany | DW


(Chinese Voice Chinese Network) Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen recently reiterated his willingness to meet Xi Jinping in a "principle of equality and the absence of political principle". Chen Mingtong, chairman of the Taiwan Business Council, said on July 2 that MAC was working hard to promote Cai Xihui.

Engaging the tone of Tsai Ing-wen, he said the MAC had made efforts to avoid preliminary talks on both sides of the strait: "It's always best to talk when you meet, and you always think about it at the # There is no sense of reality, there will be errors of judgment. That the other party responds to Taiwan's demands, he revealed that he had privately expressed Cai Xihui's willingness to Chinese think-tank scholars, and that the other party had stated that it would return to their opinion .

However, he also reiterated that the recent use of "the so-called force" by China, including forcing foreign airlines to rename Taiwan, "is very uncomfortable," stressing that the contract between China and Cai Xihui was "one meter by one".

Mainland Affairs Council of Chen Ming-Tong Taiwan (Mainland Affairs Council)

Chen Mingtong, president of MAC, said he would actively promote Cai Xihui during his tenure.

How does Cai Xihui come true?

Li Mingjiang, badociate professor at the School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said during a visit to Voice of Germany radio. Tsai Ing-wen's chances of meeting Xi Jinping during his tenure were minimal. I do not see any hope for the moment. "He has badyzed that the realization of Cai Xihui is a much bigger challenge than that of Ma Xihui." Now, the mainland is more and more inclined to "bottom-up thinking": you can do something, but do not do not cross the red line, otherwise the mainland will use a lot of wrists to expose and repress. "

The consensus between the two countries on the 1992 consensus is the key to success: "The core is a China.The attitude of the mainland is very firm.The main obstacle is that it is unlikely that the Cai government meets the demands of the mainland If it is possible to defeat Cai Xihui Otherwise, it is a meaningless conversation I do not see what the Taiwanese leader can make too many concessions because it is also facing strong pressure on the island. "Tsai Ing-wen repeatedly stressed that there were no pre-established discussions. He also bluntly stated: From a human point of view, it is the best way, but it can be said that it is totally impossible for the continent to accept it. "

How to express the consensus of 1992 has always been a difficult issue for the President of Taiwan. Li Mingjiang believes that there is no room for maneuver: "Some informal statements also indicated that the continent did not necessarily require the PDP to recognize the 1992 consensus as a sentence word for word like Ma Ying-jeou.It has a flexible space.For the mainland government, The meaning of a China is summed up and mentioned, it's basically a pbad. "But at present, it There is a serious lack of mutual trust between the two sides of the Strait. This step is also difficult to achieve.

President: Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan and Donald Trump, United States and Xi Jinping, China

How will Taiwan react to the US-China political and economic struggle?

American factors affect the political situation of the island

The Taiwanese party has successively announced its willingness to return to the negotiating table, believing that Taiwan was now more eager to learn from Cai Xihui than from China. As the situation in Taiwan is becoming increasingly unfavorable, especially the increasingly restricted international space, in the face of the apparently growing pressure of the Chinese government, the Cai government is more concerned about the development of Taiwan-Taiwan relations. Taiwan.

He specifically mentioned that, unlike Ma Xihui more than two years ago, the current situation has another dominant factor: the United States. "The US factor has exceeded the influence of the political situation on the island of Taiwan, especially last year, including the law on the national defense authorization and the law on travel to Taiwan.The United States deliberately defeated Taiwan to contain China.Cross-border issues are no longer a competition between the Taiwan Strait.Competition, but become a big country in China and the United States, which makes the situation more complicated. "

He believes that the future must pay attention to the development of US and Taiwanese officials and to the military interaction.

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