Taiwan law review prevents senior retired officials from participating in political activities on the continent – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

The revision of the law in Taiwan prevents retired senior officials from participating in political activities on the continent.

The government led by the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan officially introduced a bill to the legislative yuan to propose strengthening the controls on retired personnel and military personnel to visit mainland China. The main opposition party said that the introduction of this bill by the government showed on the one hand that it lacked confidence in the retired military personnel of Taiwan and in the country. on the other hand that he did not favor peace and stability in the strait. The government led by the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan officially introduced a bill to the legislative yuan to propose strengthening the controls on retired personnel and military personnel to visit mainland China. The main opposition party said that the introduction of this bill by the government showed on the one hand that it lacked confidence in the retired military personnel of Taiwan and in the country. on the other hand that he did not favor peace and stability in the strait. On July 6, the Taiwan Yuan Executive Council adopted the MAC draft amendments to the Community Relations Regulations, which will limit the number of visits by retired senior officials to China from the three-year principle. but can be adjusted by the service agencies of origin. Modify at least 3 years of control: after the deadline, the person with a higher level of confidentiality must always report to the placement agency before going to the mainland. The draft law on harms and sanctions also includes sanctions for retired civilian and military officials who travel to mainland China to engage in political activities, including loss of all or part of the pension and confiscation medals of merit. Zhang Xiaoyue, chairman of the Taiwan Affairs Council, told the Voice of America reporter that, according to the draft, Taiwan's retired deputy chief of government and army lieutenant-general could not participate in the talks. political activities chaired by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party and not to symbolize the banner of the Chinese Communist regime. Badges and songs are praised and praised for undermining Taiwan's "national dignity". The Kuomintang has criticized Taiwan's main opposition party, Tang Deming, vice chairman of the Kuomintang National Council of Culture, who explained to the Voice of America that it's only a matter of time. was an abstract concept that undermines national dignity and can be determined subjectively. Tools Kuomintang Headquarters (US Voice) As for the duration of the control …

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