Taiwan pushes Chrome canvas to graffiti online | Taiwan English News


Chrome canvas (Figure / Chrome Canvas map)

Chrome canvas (Figure / Chrome Canvas map)

(Taiwan English News / Huang Ziwei's Full Foreign Press Report) Google has recently quietly launched a new feature called "Chrome Canvas", which can be drawn and written directly on the web browser, in a simple and convenient way, and can exist in the cloud.

Engadget reports that you can start graffiti by visiting the canvas.apps.chrome page and logging into your Google Account. There is the thickness of the brush, the color and eraser on the left, and the color can be customized. No matter when, anywhere, you can paint online. The job will be automatically stored in the cloud and can also be downloaded as a PNG file. Without the sophisticated additional function, the interface is easier to use.

Any browser that supports the WebAssembly language can use the Chrome template, including Firefox. This is not the first time that Google has launched a painting tool, but also 3D painting applications, among others, for mobile devices, allowing users to paint in virtual reality.

Choose from a variety of colors (Figure / Chrome Canvas map)

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