Taiwan refutes the Chinese Taiwanese Affairs Office and continues to fight for the World Health Assembly – VOA China

Taiwan refutes the Chinese office of Taiwanese affairs and continues to fight for the World Health Assembly. "Voice of the Voice Chinese Network (VOA)"

Taiwan refutes the comment of the Chinese spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Bureau, Ma Xiaoguang, who said that "Taiwan's inability to participate in the World Health Assembly will not become a global loophole in epidemic prevention ", points out that Ma Xiaoguang's speech is ridiculous and frustrating. Taiwan refutes the comment of the Chinese spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Bureau, Ma Xiaoguang, who said that "Taiwan's inability to participate in the World Health Assembly will not become a global loophole in epidemic prevention ", points out that Ma Xiaoguang's speech is ridiculous and frustrating. Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Lee Charter said on Thursday at an event at the Foreign Ministry that Taiwan had expressed anger and regret at the remarks of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman. Taiwan business, Ma Xiaoguang, declaring that her speech was contrary to the facts. Assembly We sincerely call on WHO and the international community to ensure that Taiwan is still absent from the international public health medical system. Global health security rests on dense global cooperation. No country or person should be excluded from the global health security system. On Wednesday, Ma Xiaoguang, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, said at a regular press conference: "We have repeatedly expressed our position on Taiwan's participation in the activities of the Taiwanese people. international organizations, that is to say on the principle of a single China, make reasonable arrangements. "After our agreements with the World Health Organization, Taiwan can obtain timely information and The Taiwanese experts can also participate in the conferences and technical activities of the WHO. "Ma Xiaoguang also said that from 2009 to 2016, in accordance with the principle of" health and safety ". a single China, in the context of "Consensus 92" and the peaceful development of relations between the two shores, Taiwan participated in the World Health Assembly after the negotiations between the two shores After the party came to power, the reason why the Taiwan region can no longer participate in the World Health Assembly is well known: on May 20, 2008, the Kuomintang government, which advocated cross-border reunification, resumed power after losing eight years of political power …

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