Taiwan's current and former presidents mourn Liu Xiaobo's death via Facebook – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

The current president and former presidents of Taiwan lament Liu Xiaobo's illness via Facebook. Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

Taiwanese politicians have expressed their condolences to the death of Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, through Facebook. The Taiwanese legislator stressed that Liu Xiaobo's Chinese approach will make the Taiwanese people more cautious about the development of cross-border relations. Taiwanese politicians have expressed their condolences to the death of Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, through Facebook. The Taiwanese legislator stressed that Liu Xiaobo's Chinese approach will make the Taiwanese people more cautious about the development of cross-border relations. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said Thursday on Facebook that he was extremely saddened by the death of Liu Xiaobo and eagerly awaited China's political reforms to allow people to enjoy democracy and democracy. freedom and open up new opportunities for cross-border relations. Tsai Ing-wen also said that if the Chinese dream were a democracy, Taiwan would provide the necessary badistance to the process of realizing the Chinese dream in mainland China, believing that Liu Xiaobo was feasting on living the spirit of heaven . However, the Chinese Affairs Bureau of Taiwan issued a press release on Friday saying that only the people of mainland China have the most to say about the political, economic and social development of the mainland. The PDP authorities should pay attention and reflect on the chaos that the ruling party has provoked in Taiwanese society and the damage done to cross-border relations. The press release also says that since then, the PDP authorities and their leaders have again torn their deceptive vows to maintain the status quo, repeatedly attacking the continent and causing clashes between the two shores, with the aim of bringing back the relations between the two banks on the old turbulent road. This kind of behavior is very dangerous. Prudent view Su Qiaohui, legislator of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, agreed to an interview with Voice of America and said the Taiwanese people would see the Chinese authorities treat a Nobel Peace Prize laureate from a more conservative point of view. development of relations between the two shores. Taiwan legislator Su Qiaohui (voice of the voice of America, Zhang Yongtai) said, "The shock that Liu Xiaobo brought to all is the treatment that the CCP has given him during this period. most people will look in their hearts and they will all be themselves chewing how the Chinese authorities treat different voices …

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