Thai football team is saved all tribute to the creation of Illustrator – China News Network


13 teachers and students of the Thai youth football team were trapped in the cave for more than half a month, and finally they were rescued safely yesterday (10). The global attention of rescue operations has touched the hearts of countless people. Two Thai illustrators have created a nice illustration to pay tribute to the international rescue experts.

There was an acclaim on the stage, celebrating the 12 kids and a coach all out of trouble. The joy song sang the excitement of the rescue team, everyone 's shaking hands, being congratulated and accomplished an unprecedented difficult rescue. The smiling country of Thailand showed the most beautiful smile, and the 13 teachers and students of the youth football team have returned to the ground safely.

Divers said their task was to carry cylinders for seals, that the water was very cloudy and only saw the hands in front of them. The stones in the caves were very dangerous to dive, and the pbadage was very narrow.It is the most difficult task in history. This underground cave, the terrain is so sinister.

There is one of the most elite Thai seals, because the potential background is too long, the lack of oxygen is unfortunately difficult, and the only victims. In fact, in order to save the 13 teachers and students, international experts in speleological rescue have arrived in Thailand, and Thai seals have volunteers to join hands in order to save people, one is not small.

Two Thai illustrators have specially created a beautiful animal illustration to pay tribute to rescuers around the world. The 12 small boars and a boar from the canvas represent the jailed "Wild Boars" junior football team, the cute animals represent international experts and help them swim off flooded caves and get home safely.

[Rejoignant les amis de la ligne Huashi, la situation du football mondial n'est pas manquée]
[Plus de détails des nouvelles s'il vous plaît visitez – China News Network]

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