Thai side: Phuket sinking crime in the zero yuan group The Chinese national boss | Phuket | Thailand


[Epoch Times 2018 09 juillet] (Xu Jian's full report) The sinking accident in the suburbs of Phuket, Thailand, is considered one of the biggest tourist disasters in Thailand since the death of thousands of people caused by the tsunami in South Asia in 2004. Thai Deputy Prime Minister Ba Yi , in the Prime Minister's Office, said: "After the police investigation, the boat was behind the scenes of the Phuket charter travel agency that killed more than 40 Chinese tourists. tourist group is an illegal "zero dollar group."

On July 5th, after the death and disappearance of two shipwrecked ships in Thailand, more than 50 Chinese tourists died and Thai police on Sunday accused the two captains to have committed crimes At the same time, the Thai government has promised to "prepare justice" and make claims for Chinese tourists.

On July 5, the Thai cruise ships "Phoenix" and "Aisha Princess", on the way back to Phuket, suddenly faced a big storm and sinking. The two ships carried a total of 133 tourists, including 127 Chinese tourists.

Visitors to the Phoenix are currently 42 dead and 14 missing, tourists on Princess Aisha were saved. Phuket Governor Norraphat Plodthong confirmed that all the dead and missing pbadengers were Chinese.

Two captains accused of careless victim receiving $ 42,000 compensation

Thai local police said Sunday that the captain of "Phoenix" was accused of negligence causing the death of another person, while captain Aisha was accused of negligence Causes the crime of physical and mental harm to others. Captain "Phoenix" may face a prison term of more than three years.

The Phuket Police Commissioner said Sunday at a joint press conference that authorities had interrogated the two captains and would further investigate the cause of the accident. Thai officials said the family of each victim received compensation of 1.4 million baht ($ 42,000 contract).

Thai Tourism Minister Weerasak Kowsurat said the Thai government attached great importance to rescue and other accidents. The government will not abandon the search for missing pbadengers and will not tolerate anyone breaking the law.

Weerasak Kowsurat also said that the Thai government will "spend" to seriously investigate the tragedy. He added that the police were investigating whether the "Phoenix" had been inspected by the maritime authorities before the day of departure. The weather department warned that the boat would not go out at sea that day, but a large ship like the Phoenix could sail after being inspected.

Weerasak said: "We will ensure that all those responsible for this tragic incident are brought to justice." He and other officials of the press conference then stood up and apologized to the victims and their families.

He added that the government would strengthen safety regulations to prevent future accidents and intensify efforts to restore the trust of tourists in the tourism industry.

In order to help the families of the victims cope with the consequences, the local government set up a liaison station at the Phuket International Airport, at the Provincial Administrative Hospital of Phuket and at Vachira Phuket Hospital. Up to now, more than 50 parents of Chinese victims have arrived in Phuket.

Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand: China Travel Service is irresponsible

Thai Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said the disaster was due to the fact that Chinese travel agencies did not respect Thai security rules.

Prawit said: "Some Chinese people use the name of the Thai people to attract Chinese tourists … They have not noticed the security warning … That's the reason for which this disaster has occurred, which (practice) needs to be corrected. " Give a more detailed explanation.

It is understood that many tourists on the "Phoenix" book this trip through an online travel agency.

Earlier, the authorities stated that the vessel contained 105 people. Later, it was revised to 101 people because it was found that some people did not join the tour later.

Tourism accounts for about 12% of Thailand's GDP, with Chinese tourists being the main driver of the industry and 9.8 million Chinese tourists last year, nearly one-third of third of the total number of Thai tourists last year.

In August 2015, an explosion occurred at the Bangkok Shrine, killing 20 people, including many Chinese tourists, the worst of these attacks in Thailand. The number of Chinese tourists decreased slightly after the attack, but it quickly recovered. Publisher: Lin Shuwen

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