The 10.49 million "hypertensive drugs" of the entire hospital containing carcinogenic substances of animal origin must be recycled, doctors: the arbitrary stop of drugs is more dangerous – The News Lens


The antihypertensive drug product produced in mainland China contained the animal carcinogen "N-nitrosodimethylamine" (NDMA), and six drugs in Taiwan were affected. Toxicology experts claim that NDMA has confirmed that cancer risk in animal experiments, that there is no human evidence and that drugs deemed problematic should not to be arrested by themselves.

(Central News Agency) The foreign media reported that valsartan, a drug substance for the treatment of hypertension, produced by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., contained "N-nitrosodimethylamine" ( NDMA).

After a day of investigation, the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that there were six antihypertensive drugs in Taiwan affected by the evening (7), and that there were 46 lots of drugs, about 10.49 million pieces were shipped. It should be recycled in a month. The six drugs are:

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NDMA in the end, Yan Zonghai, director of the Linkeng Chang Gung Hospital Clinical Toxic Center Currently , NDMA is hepatotoxic in animal experiments, can damage the liver, increase the risk of liver cancer, but there is no evidence in the human body, clbadified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a carcinogen B2, that is to say, a human carcinogen. According to the Research Center of the National Institute of Environmental Toxicology of the National Institutes of Health, NDMA is a very small amount of products derived from industrial research, used to make rockets and used in some cosmetics, cosmetics and detergents . It is also found in water, air and soil and is found in certain foods and can form in the human body.

The website also showed that when the human body is exposed to very high concentrations of NDMA, liver damage may occur and studies have shown that it increases the risk of liver cancer and bad cancer. lung in animals.

The British Medical and Health Products Administration also announced on July 5 that it contained information on the recovery of high-pressure drugs from the medicinal plant drug in Zhejiang, indicating that the factory was manufacturing valsartan. During the process, the change was made, causing the NDMA to contaminate valsartan. Currently, European countries also recycle.

The statement also pointed out that if you take drugs containing ingredients contaminated with "valsartan", do not interrupt the drug, but consult a doctor as soon as possible.There are other ingredients in the United Kingdom which also contain "valsartan". However, uncontaminated drugs are available for sale.

The "Apple Daily" reported that there are currently 71 licenses for all preparations containing valsartan in Taiwan, of which 6 are used, accounting for 3%.

(Central News Agency) Wang Zongdao, attending physician of the Cardiovascular Department of Taiwan National University Hospital and director of Taiwan Hypertension Society, also appealed to patients even though they ate six drugs suspected of having problems.

Wang Zongdao said that it is not good to eat the problem drugs, but scientifically, such toxic substances must be exposed to a considerable amount, which will immediately cause damage to If only a small amount of exposure, the course of influence may be for more than five years, by contrast, complications caused by poor blood pressure control can occur within a few weeks and only a few months. Wang Zongdao argued that hypertensive patients should take their blood pressure twice a day, especially those who have a systolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg and a diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg, stroke groups and cardiovascular diseases at high risk. Stop the medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor and doctors to discuss change of dressing.

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