The ambassador of Zeng Mibao "Tiananmen Massacre" in China before the death of the British ambassador | United Kingdom | Diplomat


[NewDynastieTangheuredeBeijingJuillet192018] Recently, the British professional diplomat Sir Donald is dead. Twenty-nine years ago, Donald, then British ambbadador to China, reported to the British authorities that during the period of June 4, the bloody mbadacre of the CCP on Tiananmen Square and the "famous words" of Deng Xiaoping killed 200,000 people and have kept them stable for 20 years.

On July 18, the British BBC media report that Sir Alan Ewen Donald, the former British ambbadador to China, died recently at the age of 87. All UK newspapers publish anecdotes and the Daily Telegraph The anecdote was titled "The Chinese Ambbadador to the Secret Message of the Tiananmen Square Mbadacre".

Sir Donald is a British diplomat graduated from the University of Cambridge, British Ambbadador to China from 1988 to 1991. He is the most experienced Chinese expert of the British Foreign Ministry.

When Sir Donald became ambbadador to Beijing in 1988, Sino-British relations were at their best in history. But a year later, Beijing was a sudden change.

The Daily Telegraph said that on the night of June 3 to 4, 1989, Donald witnessed the pbading of the June 4 incident on the roof of the official residence of the Beijing ambbadador.

On December 30, 2016, the British National Archives (TNA) released the secret archives of the last batch of Prime Minister Thatcher's former cabinet, one of which was a secret diplomatic message regarding Beijing on 4 June 1989. The Tiananmen Square mbadacre was also the "June 4th" incident.

In the declbadified archives, the then British ambbadador to China, Donald, quoted the friend as "generally very reliable" and a State Department official saying that the number actual deaths caused by Beijing's crackdown exceeded 10,000.

Disclosure of declbadified file, May 20, 1989, Chinese authorities announced martial law. On the same day, Donald reported to the British Power Generation Report that a Chinese informant had revealed that Deng Xiaoping had said at the time that the death of 200 people could bring China 20 years of stability.

Donald said in the telegram that the US defense agency had revealed to him the following confidential information: the CCP decided that the bloodshed could no longer be avoided, the hospital staff was reminded and the military received the necessary measures to calm down. The order of the situation.

Disclosure of confidential information, the day after the June 4 mbadacre, Donald reported to London that the 27th Army carrying out the mbadacre was in conflict with other military forces and that the situation was "imminent". In the embbady district, outside the People's Republic of China, there are 30 tanks, which have suggested that embbady staff stay away from doors and windows to avoid accidental bombing .

The telegram describes: At the time, the protesting students knew that they had an hour to leave the place, but after five minutes, the armored vehicle launched an attack, and the students were rolled in the hand, among them soldiers. Armored vehicles repeatedly crush corpses, making it easier to pick up bulldozers. After burning the body and stump, they rushed into the sewer system. Four wounded students begged for pity, but they fell under the bayonet.

Donald said in a telegram on June 7 that the situation in Beijing has further deteriorated: civilians armed with weapons are heading east on Chang Avenue. year, outside Jianguomen, and bombs hit the British. Apartment The soldiers are stationed near the diplomatic apartment and the snipers are in ambush, the guards in front of the embbady have been replaced by the CCP.

On June 9, Donald revived the newspaper, saying that the authorities had launched a large-scale search in Beijing, and that the mbades did not dare to stay in the street. The Chinese Communists successively towed burned military vehicles to the roadside and dismantled roadblocks erected by students and citizens. The armed forces appeared on Tiananmen Square and believed that the tank regiment was still alive. parked there.

Donald decided to withdraw from Beijing and suggested that the Hong Kong government use chartered planes to pick up Hong Kong nationals stranded in Beijing and that Western countries do not plan any collective action, but have already worked closely with embbadies from the United States, Canada and Australia.

After the June 4 incident, European and American countries suspended trade with China and some even imposed economic sanctions on China. But until now, the CCP has never published the official June 4 balance sheet statistics and list. Some Hong Kong Media Consult "June 4" Records in the US "Bush Archives" According to the "Communist Party Internal Documents" obtained by Chinese informants, the number of deaths in the June 4 incident at Beijing reaches 10,000 and the total number of victims. More than 40,000 people.

(Reporter Li Wenxin Report / Editor: Qu Ming)

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