The arbitration team only speaks English Falcao questions the unfairness | Sing Tao Daily Canada Toronto


For the previous match against England, Colombia as a losing party, has doubts about the individual penalty in the match. Captain Falcao pointed to the current referee, American Mark. Geiger, and asked why the referee only speaks English, apparently more inclined to England.
"This is a US referee who has made arrangements to continue this match, which has surprised me, and it has already been banned …," Falcao said.
At the 2015 North America and Caribbean Gold Cup, Geiger made several controversial penalties during the law enforcement match between Panama and Mexico, before to be suspended for six months.
Before the group match, the battle between Morocco and Portugal, Portugal sided on C Langardus for a hammer, and the final score was 1: 0. After the match, the l 39 Moroccan striker Am Rabat said: The referee is not familiar, but how can a referee go to the Portuguese player's jersey? "
In addition to the past black history of the referee, Falcao also mentioned the language problem," I am very confused because the referee only speaks English , which is definitely unfair. When the referee is hesitant, the penalty is tilted towards England, and many Colombian referees have not blown it, it 's a pity that' s. such a thing happened in the 16th round. "In the game, the referee and a lineman are Americans, the other is a Canadian and the fourth is a New Zealander.
In addition, Falcao also said:" When we hit 1-1, the referee often broke our offensive pace, did not have the same standard for both teams, and how can referees often go to England?
Despite the heartbreaking results, Falcao thanked the Colombian fans for their support: "We did our best in the 120-minute match, but in the 12-yard battle, the opponents won the victory, the heart broken, but I'm proud of what the fans have done in this World Cup, I'm proud of this team, for Colombia, we have everything dedicated on the field. With your support, Colombia will regroup and eliminate the World Cup stage again. "

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