"The Avengers 4: The Final Battle" Avengers 4 End Game The end of the world without eggs The analysis of the real causes


April 25, 2019 • Movies / Episodes •

"Avengers 4: The Final Battle" The end of the game Avengers 4 is officially launched on the theater. In addition to the three-hour story, many people are waiting for the end of the egg. However, everyone who has entered the market know that there is no egg in this movie, I do not know what everyone thinks about it. Foreign media believe that the "end of the battle" without eggs is the right arrangement.

Since the launch of Iron Man in 2009, Nick Fury has invited Tony Stark to join Avengers' Eggs and to take the usual MCU movies, allowing viewers to stay until the last look at it or add fun intrigues to the movie. However, this time, "Avengers 4: The Final Battle" does not have any tail eggs, which may disappoint some "trained" fans.

However, the foreign media The Verge believe that the "end of the game" without eggs is the right arrangement, because for the director who wants to tell a complete and consistent story, the disposal of eggs has always been a problem. They also said earlier that although the eggs are interesting and can intelligently connect the intrigues of the movies, the fact that Marvel does not change them, is to promote the essence of the next set of movies without leaving the public. Expect not to hate advertising. In addition, the audience through the egg will focus on the next movie series instead of the series' comments.

In the "Final War", because the film speaks of synthesis and emotional catharsis, The Verge believes that there is no better arrangement for the end of the egg, so that 39 there will be no endless upgrades and more events. Although there is no eggs in the movie, there are also some neat arrangements at the end of the movie, you can always expect it.

Source: The Verge

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Tags: Avengers, Avengers: EndGame

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