The big head of Samsung! Galaxy S9 reaches the worst sales record in the second quarter of history


According to the latest South Korean media report "The Bell", the Galaxy S9 smartphone shipping of South Korean technology giant Samsung in the second quarter of 2018 is still lower than the first quarter of 2018, which is the first time in the history of the Samsung Galaxy series. In the second quarter, sales were worse than in the first quarter, which could also have a negative impact on Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 smartphone sales in the second half.

According to data published by The Bell, the total sales of the Galaxy S 9 in the first quarter of 2018 was 10.2 million. Since the official release of this mobile phone at the end of the first quarter of 2018, this revenue has already satisfied Samsung and is expected to produce better results in the second quarter of 2018. However, contrary to expectations, sales volume from the aircraft in the second quarter has been only 9 million, which makes the total smartphone sales in the first half of 2018 only 19.2 million, much lower than the previous S8, S7, S6. Sales performance in the same period in the past.

Samsung Galaxy S9 uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 mobile platform, plus 4GB of memory, its main highlight is photography. The Galaxy S9 is equipped with a single-lens 12-megapixel lens that supports dual-core full-frame focus, OIS optical anti-shake and a smart iris with F 1, 5 / F 2.4.

In fact, in terms of market share, Samsung is still the largest smartphone brand in the world. However, similar sales data could keep this South Korean company on the ground. In particular, by the time another Galaxy Note 9 smartphone comes out next month, the sales report is not as good as expected.

However, the Samsung Galaxy S9 is not selling well, and may be related to its own design issues. For example, in April 2018, some smartphone users Galaxy S9 and S9 + had problems with the mobile phone screen, ie the screen could not display accurately different degrees of black shadows. At the time, Samsung had not commented on this problem. It only means that in the future, it is possible to solve these problems through related software updates.

(Source: Samsung)

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