"The big racing cars Nitrogen burst women" presents a new film 2019: three platforms are available to play | Cloud games ETtoday | ETtoday news cloud


TGA, switch, PS4, Xbox, bag wolf attack (figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

▲ Activision has released the latest promotional video of "The big-time female attack: nitrogen explosion". (Figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

Lou Ling Reporter / Full Report

At the 2018 Game Awards ceremony held today, Activision unveiled the latest promotional video of "Wolf Wolf Attack: Nitrogen Explosion" and announced that the game will run on June 21, 2019 on the platform PS4, Xbox One, Switch. Launched.

Originally launched on the PlayStation platform in North America on September 30, 1999, "Wolf Wolf Attack" is the fourth in the series "Women's Attack" and allows players to control characters from the series "Women's Attack". Driving a kart to play the game

Players will be able to experience the clbadic gameplay of the original in "The Major Attack for Women: Nitrogen Explosion" released this time, and confront their friends via the online mode.

TGA, switch, PS4, Xbox, bag wolf attack (figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

TGA, switch, PS4, Xbox, bag wolf attack (figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

TGA, switch, PS4, Xbox, bag wolf attack (figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

TGA, switch, PS4, Xbox, bag wolf attack (figure / return from YouTube / Crash Bandicoot, the same below)

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