The blood of times | Recall Hong Kong and Qinghai on the other side of the Shenzhen River to go to China Liang Zhenying: Do not face the red, do not jump high and the patriotic words


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing

On the one hand, the Communist Youth League of Hong Kong introduced Chinese immigrants on behalf of the "family reunion" to try to rehabilitate and develop the immigrant resettlement park, from where the departure forced Hong Kongers, CPPCC vice president and former general manager Leung Chun-ying. During the book fair, the speech also urged the youth of Hong Kong to "grow up" in China, claiming that "as long as they cross the Shenzhen River, there is plenty of room for development ". Leung Chun-ying says that Hong Kong's "unique advantages" can provide logistical and financial services to other cities in the Greater Bay area, but also that young people need to "grow" in China, "do not not be limited to Hong Kong. Young people who develop "have a long-term vision" must have the mentality of "taking part in national development". Leung Chun-ying also claimed that the Hong Kong people had to "face patriotism" without being blushed and warmed up. Hong Kong suffered more than a hundred years of colonial rule "Patriotic education has not been enough developed, "so many people do not understand" patriotism ". There are many explanations for both words.

(Source: screen capture)

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