The Blood Times | Once Hong Kong's American policy is abolished? Li Jiachao refused to reveal whether the Hong Kong government has discussed with Beijing


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Huang Yangda – Photographed at the Second Session of the Advisory Committee on NOC Discrimination Regulations Department of the Blood Publishing


The "Hong Kong Policy Law Report" released last May by the US State Department indicated that the Chief of the Executive had rejected the US government's request for surrender of fugitives last October in accordance with instructions from the Beijing government. The Honorable Citizen of the Legislative Council, Mr. Cheng Siu-tai, posed an oral question to the Legislative Council today (4 July) to see if the Government has badessed whether the United States has amended or repealed the Hong Kong law. How will Hong Kong residents enter the United States and their personal safety?

Security Secretary Li Jiachao responded that the US Congress enacted the US-Hong Kong Policy Act in 1992. By law, the United States will establish bilateral relations with Hong Kong in a wide range of areas and will provide a different treatment than that of China, because of the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong and Hong Kong outside of national defense and diplomacy.

Li Jiachao has continued, since 1997, the freely convertible US dollar in Hong Kong, the United States recognizes pbadports and travel documents issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, ship, aircraft and airline licenses registered in Hong Kong. Exchanges in the cultural, educational, academic and scientific fields of Hong Kong, and maintenance and expansion of economic and commercial exchanges with Hong Kong, including Hong Kong as a separate customs territory.

He also stressed that the SAR Government will continue to maintain and strengthen economic and trade exchanges between Hong Kong and the United States, but also said that each country's immigration policy is internal.

Zheng Songtai mentioned that when the national society and Hong Kong society had a notice calling for the abolition of the US-Hong Kong law, he asked if the SAR government had met with Beijing for related questions. It is said that the SAR Government is constantly paying attention to Hong Kong issues and that it will conduct internal discussions, but it has also communicated and exchanged with the Beijing Government in different areas, but the internal discussions will not be made public.

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