"The branch is built on the company" – Shangfang Baojian Liang Zhuang | Liang Muzhen |


Xi Jinping told the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "Insist on party leadership on all work, East, West, Middle and South, the party, the government and the people. " How to achieve it? [Xi Jinping] also stated in his speech: "We must firmly understand the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law to give the Chinese central government full control over Hong Kong and Macao." How is this announcement so tangible?

The CCP must lead everything and be fully governed, relying on Mao Zedong's invention – "the branch is built on the enterprise".

After the defeat of the Nanchang and Qiuqiu uprising led by the Chinese Communist Party in 1927, Mao Zedong took a unit to advance to Jinggangshan, but he could not stabilize the troops. There are more and more deserted escapes, and there is a phenomenon in which the whole platoon is using the opportunity to send the team to escape collectively. When the team arrived in Sanwan Village, Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province, Mao Zedong summed up his experience and adapted the army, for the first time proposing the construction system for the construction. a branch with the company's subsidiary. The party representatives who were built on the company called the branch secretary, and even the army, the battalion and the regiments mentioned above have set up party committee secretaries, and even clbades following and aligned party groups. In this way, the absolute leadership of the party on the army has been established and a solid foundation has been established for the political principle of "party commanders". The story calls "Adaptation to three bays". In 1929, Mao Zedong presided over the formulation of the Gutian Conference resolution, embodied in the principle of "Adaptation of the Three Bays", becoming since a principle and a basic system for building a party and building an army. After the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the "three-branch adaptation" of the "branch was built on the enterprise", like the method of juggling, the national army was incorporated into the Chinese Communist Party army.

Why is he "connected"? According to the general military establishment: the general, military, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, clbad, the company is the basic part of the army. The party branch should be established on the "link", that is, the party organization should be built directly in the local units to seize the soldiers, firmly grasp the ideological dynamics of the soldiers , the will to fight and lead a political and ideological education. Some writers said: It is to insert the organizational system of the party in the end, and was built for the basic units.

Mao Zedong commented "The branch was built on the company" as follows:

"The party organization is now divided into four branches: the branch, the committee, the Youth League and Military Commission, Branches and Clbades. "(" Mao Zedong Selected Works ", Volume I," The Jinggangshan Struggle ")

" Because the party branch is built in the enterprise, the representative The party must also serve as a branch secretary, which is the most representative, the most solid, and the commander of the company is not easy to play such an important role in politics. "(" Selected Works of Mao Zedong ", Volume I, page 88)

It is to educate party members in the party, to get party members to become working models, to unite foreigners and to ensure the completion of the work of the department. "(" Mao Zedong Anthology ", 1965, vol. The clerk of private enterprise establish the party branch and reinforce the party's work. ("Anthology of Mao Zedong", volume 6, p.201)

After the founding of the CCP, the principle and system of the popular party branch also plays an important role guide, but the implementation of the country. The base units corresponding to the company, in the countryside, were formerly production brigades and are now administrative villages. In the city, it is a street committee, a factory workshop, a clbad of school and a section of teaching and research. Thus, the secretary of the branch of the rural party, the secretary of the branch of the community party, the secretary of the branch of the party of the enterprise, the secretary of the party branch of the government, and so on. flooded the country. The reason why the Kuomintang failed, the void of the base is the reason. At the base of the Kuomintang, only the county and the district, the base of the Communist Party was at the bottom of the social structure, filling the vacuum of the Kuomintang. The CCP business, production brigade, village, workshop, street, department, company, school, upstairs, online, at the yard the branch of the party is omnipresent, dripping. The basic organizations of the party correspond head-to-head with the basic administrative units and the basic social structure. Therefore, in the east, west and south, workers, peasants and traders are all under the leadership of the party.

Today, especially after Xi Jinping took office, he surpbaded "all the thoughts of the party leadership" of Mao Zedong, lifted Mao Zedong's sword and frantically established branches of the party, including domestic, foreign and Hong Kong. He leads the Chinese Communist Party to the flames.

Please look at the domestic aspect:

China Securities Regulatory Commission announced the "Guidelines for the corporate governance of listed companies," joined the listed companies to strengthen the party strengthening, and listed companies must write relevant requirements New revision of the company's bylaws.

The Financial Times reported last year that more than 30 state-owned companies with a total market capitalization of more than $ 1 trillion have rewritten the charter and placed the party at the heart of each group.

The China Daily official reported last year that nearly 70% of China's some 1.86 million private enterprises have party organizations. Over the last decade, more in addition to foreign companies in China have created agencies. Last year, Southern magazine revealed that Tencent had more than 7,000 members in WeChat's public account, or 23% of the total number of party members, and that 60% of party members were based. . The Tencent party committee has a total of eleven members and a party committee office. The party committee has 12 general sections of the party and 116 party sections. Tencent also published the party magazine "Tengxiang" and became the propaganda stance of the Tencent Party Committee. Seize the Internet business party building is the goal of the party construction work in the city.

(The author insists that the CCP has no real private enterprise and that private enterprises in China are private enterprises.They are independent and deceived by the CCP, they are not not ignorant: the establishment of branches in private enterprises is the party's encroachment against private companies: it is the reconstruction of the capitalist transformation of public-private partnerships by Mao Zedong in the private enterprises of the new era.) [19659002] ★ S Please watch foreign countries:

Several Chinese researchers established the Chinese Communist Party branch at the University of California, Davis (three members of the party can form a branch of the party), and Yan Xingsen Selected as the secretary of the party branch, after the case has been disclosed, it was announced to be dissolved. The Mian Xingsen Alma Mater, a member of the Party Committee of the Dalian University of Technology, suggested that they "get in touch as soon as possible with the organization of the Chinese Communist Party in the United States. United and that they are seeking US leadership. "

The online edition of Foreign Policy published an article "The Chinese Communist Party sets up cells in universities across America". The article refers to nine Chinese students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology who participated in the summer course of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2017 A Chinese Communist Party team has been installed on the third floor of Hawkins Hall. The article reports that in California, Ohio, New York, Connecticut, North Dakota and Virginia, there are groups of Communist Party members.

(The author writes: The CCP must send students to learn Western countries or steal the advanced technology of others, and fear that their students will be influenced by Western ideology and universal values, to the both shameless and culpable Xi Jinping's self-confidence The Chinese consulate abroad has established the underground party branch in a foreign university, simply illegal and unbelievable, which is probably the new form of "Yellow Disaster" of Wang Lixiong in the new era.)

★ Please see Hong Kong:

"Financial Times" reported: The Department of the Organization of the CPC ordered the Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions to set up party units. The party committee will be equal to the status of director and will have the right to join the board of directors to influence the policy of the university. According to the "Standing News", many universities in Hong Kong have cooperated with mainland China, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen, and the University of Science and Technology of Xi'an Jiaotong. to Xi & # 39; an. – The School of Sustainable Development of Science and Technology of the University of Hong Kong and the Baptist University have established the "International University College of Beijing Normal University of the & & & – – – – – – Beijing Normal University "in Zhuhai. In addition, the University of Hong Kong, the Polytechnic University and the City University have appeared on the Sino-foreign cooperative education list and have co-organized various educational projects with institutions of the continent.

The situation in Hong Kong is certainly not spared: since reunification, the rapid development of the party branch in all parts of Hong Kong should be within the limits of the estimate. The author believes that during the "seventy-seven riots" of the 1980s, the University of Hong Kong had a party branch: Cheng Jieming, former vice president of Hong University Kong for six years and senior advisor to the director of the University of Hong Kong. With the Hong Kong Underground Party, page 190). According to various data, the Chinese university also has a branch of the party.The branch secretary is a student Zhan Xiling (please refer to page 57) The current successor is probably a Ms. Huang. In the gray line of the front of the underground party education, Communist Party member Cai Peiyuan of the Xueyou system has long been the leader of the Party Branch of the Baptist University during the 'Riot of the July 7 ". Student Zhang Shiyi, she once told me that Cai Peiyuan is the leader who developed her to become a party member. After the riots, the leader changed to Ouyang Chengchao and continued to lead the DMC in the "Haihui Wenhua Society" Cai Peiyuan continued to lead the branch of the underground party of the Baptist University (please refer to "Character Mysterious Communist Hong Kong Cai Peiyuan "Page 44). In the last ten years, especially after the development of Liang Zhenying, I believe that several branches of the party have been established within the government, the Information Bureau and the Education Bureau being the most obvious . (Refer to the test "Courageous Mr. Dai Yaoting" and observe "Cai Ruo Lian incident")

The CCP is underground in Hong Kong The "Hong Kong Working Committee" is a clandestine organization not registered in Hong Kong. The so-called "Hong Kong Communist Party" or "Communist Party" in the critics has two levels of ground and subway. The same party member has both underground and surface identities, revealing only their identity on the ground, but hiding their clandestine identity. The underground part of which I write often is mainly to discover the underground part. This kind of fact makes it very difficult to study the CCP's work in Hong Kong, the author hopes that more clandestine members will uphold justice, overcome fear, provide truth to the clandestine party and split up the clandestine party. clandestine underground organization of the CCP.

Xi Jinping thought that as long as the party branch was established everywhere in Hong Kong, complete governance could be achieved and Hong Kong would be under control. It is unfortunate that Hong Kong has always been a free and civilized society, most people have a natural conscience, there are very few Hong Kongers who sell their conscience to be party members. Xi Jinping's dream is just a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, and the bamboo basket is a bit empty.

July 1, 2018

(This article was originally published in "Democracy China")

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