The brokerage firm Wanna One jointly negotiated 11 under-promotion activities that swept the Kpop awards ceremony? | Hong Kong 01 | Han fans


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Jiang Daniel, Zang Shengyou, Zhixun Park, Yan Zhenying, Guanlin Lai, Jin Zaiyu, He Chengyun, Park, Wanna One , Youzhen's Korean national team, Huang Yixuan, Yin Zhisheng and Li Dahui are now in Hong Kong, preparing the Hong Kong concert on July 28th and 29th, which attracts a large number of Wannables (fans of Wanna One), and Wanna One is another recently. The distress of the problem is the problem of prolonging the period of activity.

Wanna One was originally scheduled to be dissolved on December 31, 2009. According to SWING Entertainment, an affiliate of Wanna One, recently with Jiang Daniel, Qi Shengyou, Zhixun Park, Yan Zhenying, Lai Guanlin, Jin Zaiyu, He Chengyun, Pu Youzhen , Huang Yixuan, Yin Zhisheng and Li Dahui, their own companies discussed extending the event until January of next year, so that Wanna One participated in the awards ceremony , and officially dissolved after the last concert held at the end of January. The opinions of the various brokerage firms are divided into three types: extend the contract period until the end of January, allowing members who can extend the contract to continue their activities (similar to the IOI team) seven people). The day has been dissolved. However, as Wanna One is currently conducting a world tour concert, it has not been finalized yet.

The Wanna One company is currently negotiating an extension of the period of the event. (Online Image)

Wanna One arrived in Hong Kong on July 24 to prepare the next concert, Park Youzhen, Yan Zhenying and Lai Guanlin. (Photo)

Wanna One indicated that she planned to extend the period of business as early as January 2010. At that time, the company YMC denied the rumors and stated that it was not proposing to hold a representation only in January and attend the awards ceremony. Now that the respective brokerage firms of Wanna One members are discussing contractual issues, the possibility of extending the period of activity seems to have increased considerably. Many Wannable and Internet users hope that Wanna One will be on the podium with a full body and will make a perfect ending for the limited Wanna One combination!

Wanna One has had great results this year, and many Wannable and Internet users hope to be able to completely sweep the awards ceremony. (Online picture)

Can Wanna One extend his period of activity? (Online still image)

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